Corporate Argumentation in Takeover Bids

This volume systematically investigates the role of argumentation in takeover bids. The announcement of these financial proposals triggers an argumentative situation, in which both the economic desirability and the social acceptability of the deal become argumentative issues for different classes of stakeholders (shareholders, employees, customers, etc.). The study focuses on the strategic maneuvers that corporate … Read more

Intelligent M&A: Navigating the Mergers and Acquisitions Minefield

Almost 70% of mergers fail, yet deals are essential for growing world-class companies. Therefore they must use all the tools and techniques at their disposal to improve their chances of success. Applying the techniques advocated in this book can help managers beat the odds – and employees themselves – to have an impact on whether a … Read more

The Theory and Practice of Change Management

Why are some organizations, such as Google, Toyota and Xerox, so successful, while others seem destined to fail? The answer lies in how they manage change. New technology and regulations, blurred organizational boundaries, and an increasingly globalized workforce present opportunities and threats that managers must address if organizations are to survive and prosper. John Hayes’ … Read more

Due Diligence in China: Beyond the Checklists

Due diligence is crucial to any business deal, and, thankfully, due diligence research has come a long way over the years. What used to be a cumbersome, time-consuming process has been standardized and systemized with generally accepted auditing frameworks and tools, such as the all-important auditing “checklists.” But when it comes to doing due diligence … Read more

Effects of Mergers

Effects of Mergers charts the history of six industries with a view to examining the effects of mergers. It deals both with the short and long-term effects of changes in the structure of industry and looks at issues such as whether mergers are in the public interest. The industries covered are: Cement, Textile Printing, Soap, … Read more

Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions

Communication is the key to organisational success and nowhere is this truism more apparent than in the influence of internal communication during a transformational process as dramatic as a merger or acquisition. During the complex process of bringing the two sets of employees together, continuous effort is crucial for keeping in touch with how people … Read more

Managing Culture Clashes in M&A‘s

Merger and acquisition activities have become an integral part of today’s businesses world. They are considered as strategic component to gain market share and extend product portfolios. Still, these transactions have a huge impact on an organization. This paper looks specifically at the M&A impact on company culture. Based on an analysis of identified key … Read more

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