Driving Value: 2015 Automotive M&A Insights

By Jeff Zaleskiand Christopher Becker– PricewaterhouseCoopers Year in review 2015 – 365 days, 591 deals, $62.1 billion total aggregate disclosed value Overview Automotive M&A deal volume for 2015 was up 9 percent, further extending gains made in 2014. With 591 deals, the industry saw its highest volume of deals transacted since 2011. • Global market conditions across all industries are … Read more

Power Transactions And Trends, Q1 2016

By Ernst & Young Overview Diversification and disruption shape transactional agenda This Q1 2016 edition of Power transactions and trends reviews quarterly deal activity within the power and utilities (P&U) sector and forecasts the trends that will shape future mergers and acquisitions (M&A).  After hitting historic levels in 2015, M&A momentum continued in Q1 2016, with deal value reaching a five-year Q1 … Read more

Location Advantages, Governance Quality, Stock Market Development And Firm Characteristics As Antecedents Of African M&As

By Abongeh A. Tunyi, Collins G. Ntim Abstract This study explores firm- and country-specific antecedents of African M&As. We use one of the largest datasets to-date, consisting of 1490 unique African firms (11,183 firm-year observations) from 1996 to 2012 from 15 African countries. Our results suggest that improvements in time-varying country-level factors, including location advantages (market size, human capital and … Read more

The Power Of Alliances: Partnering For Growth In The Insurance Sector

The Power Of Alliances: Partnering For Growth In The Insurance Sector

This is an era of unprecedented change for the insurance sector. New technologies, new customer expectations, new regulations and new competitive pressures are rapidly disrupting the traditional insurance business model. In this environment, insurance organizations have no choice but to adapt. The good news is that the vast majority of insurance executives intuitively know they need to be more innovative. […] Read more

M&A: Pause For Breath Or Plateau?

Appendix A Data descriptives: 2015/YTD 2016

by Willis Towers Watson
The number of M&A deals completed in the first quarter of 2016 was the lowest for two years according to Willis Towers Watson’s Quarterly Deal Performance Monitor (QDPM). The research, run in partnership with Cass Business School, shows that despite the fall in completed deals over $100m this quarter (216) compared to 233 in Q1 2015 (and 307 in Q4 2015), financial outperformance for companies completing M&A deals remains positive at 5.3 percentage points (pp) above the MSCI World Index. […] Read more

M&A: Pause For Breath Or Plateau?

Quarterly Deal Performance Monitor: Q1 2016 By Steve Allan – Willis Towers Watson First-quarter 2016 M&A remains strong, but sees lower volumes and a significant drop in market performance. The number of M&A deals completed in the first quarter of 2016 was the lowest for two years according to Willis Towers Watson’s Quarterly Deal Performance Monitor (QDPM). The research, … Read more

Cross-Border Deals Tracker: Tracking Deal Flows Between Developed And Developing/Emerging Economies

Figure 1 Number of D2E deals

The latest deals data shows that the volume of developed market investments into emerging markets (D2E) hit a 10-year low over the second half of 2015, but emerging market deals with one another showed strong growth over the same period. Between July and December 2015, the number of D2E deals fell by 3 percent to 541, the lowest number in 10 years. The yearly total is also the lowest in 10 years, at 1101 D2E deals, 9 percent down on 2014. […] Read more

Cross-Border Deals Tracker: Tracking Deal Flows Between Developed And Developing/Emerging Economies

By KPMG The Cross-Border Deals Tracker (Tracker), formerly the High Growth Markets International Deals Tracker, looks at deal flows between 15 developed economies (or groups of economies) and 13 high growth economies (or groups of economies). The Tracker is produced every 6 months to give an up-to-date picture of cross-border merger and acquisition activity, with the … Read more

Managing M&A People Risk: Best Practices For Buyers And Sellers

Managing M&A People Risk: Best Practices For Buyers And Sellers

by Mercer
Talent scarcity and the maintaining of talent during M&A activity are prime considerations that must be factored into any such deals. The spiraling amount of global M&A activity undertaken and the pressures and complexities they entail demand an elevated approach to human capital management and the risks that confront every buyer and seller. […] Read more

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