2015 Banking M&A Outlook: Poised For A Rebound

By Deloitte Overview Following a five-year slowdown in banking sector mergers and acquisitions (M&A), 2015 activity appears to be poised for a rebound across both small and large regional banks. At the same time, the global banking sector is expected to continue its pruning of non-strategic businesses and/or duplicative operational centers, creating opportunities for further business … Read more

Build Your M&A Muscle: Why Serial Acquirers Win At Value Creation

By Greg Schooley, Mike Phillips – A.T. Kearney Like athletes in training, frequent buyers build acquisition muscle that empowers them to do more deals and do them more effectively. M&A Is Not a Bad Idea Raise your hand if you have read an article—or several articles—in a leading business publication that suggests pursuing mergers and acquisitions (M&A) is a … Read more

The Deloitte M&A Index – 2016: Opportunities Amidst Divergence

By Sriram Prakash, Irina Bolotnikova, Haranath Sriyapureddy – Deloitte Contributors: Ben Davies, James Anson-Smith, Jo Brealey, Kristie Ampuero About The Deloitte M&A Index The Deloitte M&A Index is a forward-looking indicator that forecasts future global M&A deal volumes and identifies the factors influencing conditions for dealmaking. The Deloitte M&A Index is created from a composite of weighted market indicators from four major data sets: … Read more

Opportunities And Challenges Of Value Creation Through Merger And Acquisitions In Cyclical Economies

Figure 1 Global M&A market overview

by Elsevier Ltd.
Despite prevailing financial turmoil and economic uncertainty, global M&A market has shown in 2014 an unseen growth since sub-prime crisis. The research focuses on reaching understanding and reconstructions on how management and corporate strategists can benefit from opportunities arising during various economic cycles. […] Read more

Deal Tectonics: At The Fault Line Of Growth Goals And Competitive Pressures

Exhibit 1: Record M&A: a new normal

by Ernst & Young
As the specialty pharmaceutical sector sees its ability to pursue large acquisitions evaporate, long-promised organic growth from big pharma new drug launches has finally arrived. But a renewed focus on value-based pricing, staunch competition across key therapeutic battlefields and consolidating payer clout may weaken the industry’s ability to reach revenue targets for both new and legacy therapeutics. […] Read more

Deal Tectonics: At The Fault Line Of Growth Goals And Competitive Pressures

EY’s Firepower Index and Growth Gap Report 2016 By Andrew Forman –  Ernst & Young Contributors: Jeff Greene, Chris Morrison As the specialty pharmaceutical sector sees its ability to pursue large acquisitions evaporate, long-promised organic growth from big pharma new drug launches has finally arrived. But a renewed focus on value-based pricing, staunch competition across key therapeutic battlefields and consolidating … Read more

EY Center For Board Matters: As M&A Grows, So Does The Board’s Role

EY Center For Board Matters: As M&A Grows, So Does The Board’s Role

by Ernst & Young
Deals that bring companies together often happen at high speed, which creates the potential for missing some critical risks. Everyone in the business world knows that M&A is shorthand for mergers and acquisitions, but these days you could just as readily believe it stands for “moving ahead.” If nothing else, the numbers alone should get the attention of board members at a time when an increasingly holistic view must be taken in every stage of the transaction, including strategy, due diligence, deal approval, integration and post-integration. […] Read more

EY Center For Board Matters: As M&A Grows, So Does The Board’s Role

By Ernst & Young Deals that bring companies together often happen at high speed, which creates the potential for missing some critical risks Everyone in the business world knows that M&A is shorthand for mergers and acquisitions, but these days you could just as readily believe it stands for “moving ahead.” If nothing else, the numbers … Read more

M&A Forum: Mit (inter-)nationalen Investments ins neue Jahr

By Deloitte Editorial Nach wie vor steht das Thema M&A ganz oben auf der CFO-Agenda. Laut der aktuellen CFO Survey hat für ein gutes Drittel der CFOs Wachstum durch Fusionen und Übernahmen sehr hohe Priorität. Dennoch haben wirtschaftliche und politische Krisen, Zweifel an der chinesischen Konjunktur nach dem Absturz der chinesischen Aktienmärkte sowie die starke Korrektur … Read more

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