Comparative Analysis Of Mergers And Acquisitions In The New Member States Of European Union

Table 1 CAARs of total sample-their significance levels

by Elsevier Ltd.
Mergers and acquisitions in the new member states of European Union (EU-10) are investigated in the study. The author concentrates on mergers and acquisitions value creation issue in the region. Event study methodology is employed to investigate the scientific problem of value generation as a consequence of analysed transactions. […] Read more

Comparative Analysis Of Mergers And Acquisitions In The New Member States Of European Union

By Dušan Baran, Darius Saikevicius Abstract Mergers and acquisitions in the new member states of European Union (EU-10) are investigated in the study. The author concentrates on mergers and acquisitions value creation issue in the region. Event study methodology is employed to investigate the scientific problem of value generation as a consequence of analysed transactions. Findings … Read more

Global Capital Confidence Barometer – Companies Embrace Sustainable M&A

By Pip McCrostie – Ernst & Young Companies embrace sustainable M&A as deal markets generate renewed growth The 13th edition of our Global Capital Confidence Barometer finds companies pursuing deals at a rate not seen this decade. As 2015 global M&A value approaches record highs, executives’ long-term growth considerations outweigh short-term concerns about market volatility. With deal intentions … Read more

How M&A Practitioners Enable Their Success

Exhibit 1 Evaluate strategic options

by McKinsey & Company
Companies that are best at transactions approach M&A differently — but there’s room for improvement across the board. In the latest McKinsey Global Survey on M&A practices and capabilities, most respondents report that their companies regularly examine the portfolio for new opportunities — and many do so at least once a year. But if the blistering M&A pace of the past several years continues, as most respondents expect, then these responses also suggest that an annual review of portfolios may not be enough. […] Read more

How M&A Practitioners Enable Their Success

By Rebecca Doherty, Spring Liu, Andy West – McKinsey & Company Contributors: Alvaro Aguero, Cristina Ferrer Companies that are best at transactions approach M&A differently — but there’s room for improvement across the board. In the latest McKinsey Global Survey on M&A practices and capabilities, most respondents report that their companies regularly examine the portfolio for new opportunities — and many do so at … Read more

Going Out – Chinas Strategie Vor Neuen Herausforderungen

by Unternehmeredition
Der Indikator des China Economic Panel (CEP), der die Konjunkturerwartungen internationaler Finanzexperten für China in den nächsten zwölf Monaten wiedergibt, fiel im August von plus 8,8 auf minus 6,0 Punkte. Das gab das Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW) Anfang September bekannt. Allerdings ist der Rückgang trotz der Börsen- und Währungsturbulenzen nicht so stark wie zum Jahresanfang, als der CEP-Indikator um 14,2 Zähler auf minus 7,6 Punkte fiel. […] Read more

Going Out – Chinas Strategie Vor Neuen Herausforderungen

By Unternehmeredition Konjunkturerwartungen eingetrübt Der Indikator des China Economic Panel (CEP), der die Konjunkturerwartungen internationaler Finanzexperten für China in den nächsten zwölf Monaten wiedergibt, fiel im August von plus 8,8 auf minus 6,0 Punkte. Das gab das Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW) Anfang September bekannt. Allerdings ist der Rückgang trotz der Börsen- und Währungsturbulenzen nicht so … Read more

When Do Acquirers Invest In The R&D Assets Of Acquired Science-Based Firms In Cross-Border Acquisitions?

The Role of Technology and Capabilities Similarity and Complementarity By Marcela Miozzo, Lori DiVito, Panos Desyllas Drawing on a multiple case study of acquisitions of UK biopharmaceutical firms, we develop an analytical framework that elucidates how key determinants of the knowledge base of science-based firms and their combinations through M&As interact and affect post-acquisition investment in the target’s R&D projects. … Read more

Divestitures: How To Invest For Success

By Sean O’Connell, Michael Park, Jannick Thomsen – McKinsey & Company When it comes to creating value, divestitures are critical – but a positive outcome is not automatic. Some up-front investment can improve the odds of success. Senior executives often have a hard time letting go. When it comes time to decide whether to sell certain assets, particularly those that … Read more

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