Dealing With Uncertainty: Strategies For Overcoming Compliance Risk And Regulatory Challenges In Cross-Border M&A

Pharmerging markets report By Baker & McKenzie Introduction When you look at the numbers, there’s no question why global pharmaceutical companies have set their sights on emerging markets for future growth. From 2012 to 2017, global pharmaceutical sales are expected to rise 13% in the “pharmerging markets,” compared to 2% for the top mature markets, according … Read more

Serial Acquirers: Getting Your Ducks In A Row

By Xena Welch Guerra, Tomi Laamanen, Anna Samanta, Stefan Koller – Deloitte and University of St. Gallen Contributors: Florian Borner, Wolfgang Eckert, Kristina Faddoul, Joshua Steiner, Markus Koch, George Budden, Michael Grampp Study rationale Prevalence Many Swiss companies engage in serial acquisitions to achieve long term strategic objectives – to consolidate within a fragmented market, to expand into new markets and geographies, to fill gaps in their product portfolio or … Read more

M&A China/Deutschland: Gesundheit – Chinas Heißer Wachstumsmarkt

by Unternehmeredition
Chinas Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) wuchs 2014 laut dem staatlichen Statistikamt um 7,4%, den niedrigsten Wert seit 1990. Das Wachstumsziel der chinesischen Regierung von 7,5% wurde damit knapp verfehlt. 2013 und 2012 war das BIP jeweils noch um 7,7% gestiegen. Die People’s Bank of China (PBOC) rechnet für 2015 mit einem BIP-Anstieg in Höhe von 7,1%. […] Read more

M&A China/Deutschland: Gesundheit – Chinas Heißer Wachstumsmarkt

By Unternehmeredition Chinas Wirtschaftswachstum verlangsamt sich weiter Chinas Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) wuchs 2014 laut dem staatlichen Statistikamt um 7,4%, den niedrigsten Wert seit 1990. Das Wachstumsziel der chinesischen Regierung von 7,5% wurde damit knapp verfehlt. 2013 und 2012 war das BIP jeweils noch um 7,7% gestiegen. Die People’s Bank of China (PBOC) rechnet für 2015 mit einem BIP-Anstieg in … Read more

Creating Value In Telecoms Consolidation

Figure 1 Synergies justify over half of Purchase Prices paid in three EU Mobile Mergers

by Arthur D. Little
Europe is experiencing an unparalleled wave of telecom mergers, but value creation is far from certain. Executives charged with telecom integration are facing pressure to meet expectations on synergies, which increasingly are expected to amount to over half of the purchase price. This Arthur D. Little viewpoint provides lessons learned, benchmarks and recommendations to help telecom executives successfully create value through the post-merger integration process. […] Read more

Creating Value In Telecoms Consolidation

By Christian Niegel – Arthur D. Little Contributor: Joan Tapia Boil Europe is experiencing an unparalleled wave of telecom mergers, but value creation is far from certain. Executives charged with telecom integration are facing pressure to meet expectations on synergies, which increasingly are expected to amount to over half of the purchase price. This Arthur D. Little viewpoint provides … Read more

Mergers & Acquisitions Quarterly Switzerland – Fourth Quarter 2014

By Ernst & Young In Q4 2014, Swiss M&A market activity remained strong. Although the number of transactions as well as deal volume declined relative to the previous quarter, both remained high in a historical context. The strong performance of the Swiss M&A market becomes even clearer when viewed from a yearly perspective. With numerous mega … Read more

Firepower Fireworks: Focus, Scale And Growth Drive Explosive M&A

Firepower fireworks Focus, scale and growth drive explosive M&A

by Ernst & Young
Record biopharma M&A exceeded US$200 billion in 2014, well over twice the average annual deal volume seen in the last decade, as companies used deal making to satisfy the strategic imperatives of increasing focus, scale and/or growth. A convergence of forces fueled the fireworks, including rising equity valuations, historically low interest rates and prodigious firepower. […] Read more

Firepower Fireworks: Focus, Scale And Growth Drive Explosive M&A

Firepower Index and Growth Gap Report 2015 By Ernst & Young Biopharma M&A rockets to record heights in 2014 Kaboom! Record biopharma M&A exceeded US$200 billion in 2014, well over twice the average annual deal volume seen in the last decade, as companies used deal making to satisfy the strategic imperatives of increasing focus, scale and/or … Read more

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