Operational Due Diligence: Investment Management And Funds

Figure 1 KPMG ODD service offering

Operational due diligence (ODD) over investment managers has never been more critical. Recent scandals such as Madoff and Weavering have served to underline the growing importance of ODD in the minds of investors. Adding in other factors such as an increasingly complex regulatory environment and the investors’ search for the alpha generating, operationally sound investment managers becomes increasingly difficult. […] Read more

Global Financial Services M&A Themes 2014

By Ernst & Young 1. Global financial services deal activity Overview of deal activity in 2013 In 2013, the financial services sector recorded a further slow-down in global financial services M&A activity. This is the fourth year in succession that deal volumes have fallen. Overall, deal activity was 10% down on 2012 and some 21% lower than … Read more

The Right Combination: Managing Integration For Deal Success

By Max Habeck – Ernst & Young About the research In H2 2013, Remark, the market research division of the Mergermarket Group, interviewed 200 senior corporate executives involved in the deal integration process. During the interviews, these executives offered insight into how the strategic rationale of their company’s last significant transaction shaped their integration strategy. Using the Mergermarket database, Remark … Read more

2014 Global Chemical Industry Mergers And Acquisitions Outlook

By Deloitte Overview of the 2014 Global chemicals mergers and acquisitions outlook In 2013, the year’s activity validated once again that the only constant driver in chemicals mergers and acquisitions (M&A) is change. The year began with strong levels of M&A activity, but change and a slowdown emerged in the second quarter with moderate volume levels … Read more

Wholesale Distribution M&A: Moving From Transactional To Transformational

Wholesale Distribution M&A: Moving From Transactional To Transformational

by Deloitte
The U.S. Wholesale Distribution (WD) industry appears to be stuck in neutral. Top players in many lines of trade suffer from low margins and stagnant or slipping market share — a result of limited domestic expansion opportunities, regulatory constraints, structural impediments, and other obstacles. […] Read more

Driving Value: 2013 Automotive M&A Insights

By Paul Elie, Harry Gruits and Christopher Becker– PricewaterhouseCoopers The road ahead Today’s companies still face barriers on the road to long-term growth; however, we believe the automotive sector is on an upward trajectory, revving up now to drive future growth. PwC’s Autofacts expects the industry to add 25 million units of production between 2013 and 2020, for a compounded annual growth … Read more

M&A Yearbook 2014 – KPMG’s Overview Of Mergers And Acquisitions In Switzerland In 2013 And Outlook For 2014

By KPMG Strategic reviews begin to yield actions “… M&A remains at the heart of business strategy.” Anticipating future developments is especially difficult in a constantly changing setting, such as the persistent instability and uncertainty in Switzerland’s major markets, though there are strong signs of stability returning. Many major Swiss corporates have spent the past couple … Read more

Mergers & Acquisitions Quarterly Switzerland – Fourth Quarter 2013

By Ernst & Young Deal volume in the last quarter of 2013 remained nearly unchanged compared to the previous quarter, confirming the pattern observed throughout 2013 of modest disclosed deal volume in the Swiss M&A market. Moreover, the number of deals decreased compared to both the previous quarter and the same quarter of the preceding year. … Read more

The Cash Paradox: How Record Cash Reserves Are Influencing Corporate Behaviour

By Iain Macmillian, Sriram Prakash, Russell Shoult – Deloitte IDEA IN BRIEF The top 1000 non-financial companies globally are holding $2.8 trillion in cash. Commentators frequently cite these record high cash figures as a key indicator that will boost capital expenditure (capex) and M&A activities that will rekindle growth. However, a closer look at the cash reserves suggests an uneven … Read more

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