M&A As Competitive Advantage

By Cristina Ferrer, Robert Uhlaner, Andy West– McKinsey & Company Treating M&A as a strategic capability can give companies an edge that their peers will struggle to replicate. Most companies approach deal making as an art rather than as a corporate capability deployed to support a strategy, and they see individual deals as discrete projects rather than integral parts of that … Read more

Global Capital Confidence Barometer – Growing Forward

By Pip McCrostie – Ernst & Young An imperative to act: seizing first-mover advantage as confidence returns Our eighth Global Capital Confidence Barometer shows a clear rebound in corporate confidence. After years of conservative decision-making, executives are steadily trending toward an investing agenda. But are companies being bold enough? Expectations for global economic growth, corporate earnings and credit … Read more

Solving China’s M&A Haze

By John Jullens – Strategy& Multinationals creating partnerships with Chinese companies can adopt eight best practices to help manage the unique complexities they often encounter.  It used to be that the only way for multinational corporations (MNCs) to enter China was through a joint venture with a local Chinese partner — typically a government-appointed, hopelessly backward state-owned enterprise … Read more

M&A Deal Evaluation: Challenging Metrics Myths

By Bob Haas, Angus Hodgson – A.T. Kearney In the world of mergers and acquisitions, emphasis is often placed on evaluation metrics that look as if they tell the story, but they can be misleading. The presentation was over. The CEO of a global business-services group had been part of a due diligence process to advise on whether or … Read more

Divide And Conquer: How Successful M&A Deals Split The Synergies

By Jens Kengelbach, Dennis Utzerath, Christoph Kaserer and Sebastian Schatt – BCG (The Boston Consulting Group), Technische Universität München (TUM) At A Glance About two-thirds of M&A transactions destroy value for the acquirer, at least in the short term. Yet some acquisitions do create value, often through synergies. New research from BCG and the Technische Universität München demonstrates that in successful deals, acquirers … Read more

M&A Forum: Euro-Krise, Unsicherheit und M&A – Warum werden Risiken überschätzt?

By Deloitte Editorial Das Jahr 2012 ging nicht nur im Bereich M&A turbulent zu Ende: Es war geprägt von den Einflüssen der US-Wahlen sowie der andauernden Euro-Krise und der damit verbundenen Unsicherheit. Innerhalb des letzten Jahres war weltweit im Vergleich zu 2011 ein erneuter Rückgang des Transaktionsvolumens von rund 10% zu beobachten. Obwohl in Deutschland durch … Read more

M&A Yearbook 2013 – KPMG’s Overview Of Mergers And Acquisitions In Switzerland In 2012 And Outlook For 2013

By KPMG Introduction: Ready for action In these times of great uncertainty and rapid change, we all recognize the need for successful businesses to remain innovative and to keep evolving. Fortunately, Switzerland continues to attract world-class talent from around the globe, with immigration of well-educated workers complementing domestic skills and expertise and helping to keep Switzerland … Read more

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