Mergers And Acquisitions In The Oil And Gas Industry: Current Upstream M&A Issues And Transaction Considerations

By Adnan Fazli, Alex Law and Kenneth McKellar – Deloitte Introduction Whilst North African countries are returning to “business as usual” post Arab Spring, legacy risk remains around off-take contracts with NOCs, presenting challenges to working capital management Whilst global oil and gas (O&G) transactions have suffered a modest decline in both deal count and total value in the first half … Read more

Growth Through M&A: Promise And Reality

Figure 1 Breakdown of M&A deals

by Deloitte
It isn’t unusual for a company pursuing a merger or acquisition to express high hopes that the deal will be a growth engine. The intention, quite reasonably, is that the resulting combination of products, people and pipelines will take the business to new heights. Then reality sets in. The combined business has to deal with a presence in multiple markets, a larger and more diverse customer base, a more complex product and services portfolio, and a high level of people and operational complexity. […] Read more

Growth Through M&A: Promise And Reality

By Iain Bamford, Nik Chickermane, Jessica Kosmowski – Deloitte Contributors: Candace Hakim, Lisa Zhao, Francesco Orselli, Louise Chang, Delphine Jacquin, Connor Bogin “The secret of success is constancy to purpose.” — Benjamin Disraeli It isn’t unusual for a company pursuing a merger or acquisition to express high hopes that the deal will be a growth engine. The intention, quite reasonably, is that the resulting combination of products, … Read more

Globalizing Asia Pacific: Maximizing The Value Of Human Capital In Outbound M&A

Figure 1 When in the acquisition cycle are key employees to retain identified?

by Willis Towers Watson
In recent years, with the global financial crisis arriving on the heels of a near collapse of the financial establishment in the West, increased investment and development diverted to emerging markets has produced a wealthy new economic class with plenty of power to spend. Against this backdrop, Asian companies are beginning to play a more significant role in the world economy. […] Read more

Globalizing Asia Pacific: Maximizing The Value Of Human Capital In Outbound M&A

By Steve Allan – Willis Towers Watson Introduction In recent years, with the global financial crisis arriving on the heels of a near collapse of the financial establishment in the West, increased investment and development diverted to emerging markets has produced a wealthy new economic class with plenty of power to spend. Against this backdrop, Asian companies are … Read more

Mergers & Acquisitions Quarterly Switzerland – Third Quarter 2012

By Ernst & Young While the number of Swiss M&A transactions remained constant in the third quarter of 2012, disclosed deal volume declined significantly when compared to the previous quarter, indicating a drop in average deal size. Looking ahead, the current floor of the Swiss Franc to the Euro could still foster cross-boarder transactions by Swiss … Read more

Executing On The Integration Strategy: Integrating Finance After A Merger

By Jeff East, Oksana Kukurudza and Johnny Lo – Accenture For companies engaged in a merger or acquisition, experienced Finance executives understand the importance of developing a sound strategy for integrating the legacy firms’ Finance functions. Such a strategy is a foundation for enabling the combined enterprise to capture the benefits targeted by the deal. A sound strategy often includes plans for … Read more

Asian Companies Rewrite The Rules Of M&A

By Vikram Chakravarty, Chua Soon Ghee – A.T. Kearney Small Asian players are buying large Western brands. Asian companies that compete in crowded, fragmented domestic markets are snapping up competitors over the border instead of in their own backyards. Waves of consolidation are sweeping through Asia. Yet, amid the rush for deals, what’s interesting is how Asian M&As appear … Read more

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