Mergers & Acquisitions Im Mittelstand

By Deloitte Vorwort Mittelstand – das Rückgrat der Wirtschaft Es hieße, „Eulen nach Athen zu tragen“, wollte man noch viele Worte über die wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Bedeutung des Mittelstands verlieren. Mittelständische Unternehmen sind die wahren Champions der deutschen Wirtschaft und vieler anderer entwickelter Volkswirtschaften rund um den Globus. Sie unter- scheiden sich von Großunternehmen durch eigenständige … Read more

The Coming Surge In Health Provider M&A: How Historical Forces And Healthcare Reform Will Combine To Drive Activity

By Gerald Adolph, Gary D. Ahlquist, Anu Sharma, Brett Spencer – Strategy& Executive summary Merger and acquisition activity among U.S. hospitals and integrated health providers increased in late 2010 after several slow years, and we expect it to expand significantly during the next several years — even if courts or legislators reverse some of the key provisions of the 2010 Affordable Care … Read more

Three Keys To M&A Effectiveness For A&D Executives Capturing The Full Value Of Strategic Acquisitions

By Marty Hartigan, Steve Shepley, Alan Brady – Deloitte Learnings from the last decade of M&A activity within the Aerospace & Defense (A&D) industry offer three keys to consider for future effectiveness: Manage the demands of integration by limiting your total number of acquisitions. Make M&A central to your company’s growth strategy by implementing meaningful acquisitions. Target companies whose business … Read more

The Role Of Finance In Successful Serial M&A

By Oksana Kukurudza, Jeff East, Aneel Delawalla and Sara Cima – Accenture What distinguishes companies that gain maximum competitive advantage from mergers and acquisitions—deal after deal—from those that do not? An Accenture survey of finance and strategy executives from serial acquirers around the world suggests that successful M&A is based on five key practices. Why do companies decide to intensify their merger and … Read more

Schwerpunkt Mergers & Acquisitions

By KPMG Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser! Der Businessalltag wird täglich komplexer und unüberschaubarer. Flexibilität und Geschwindigkeit werden zunehmend wichtiger. Um unter diesen Rahmenbedingungen Erfolg zu haben, müssen im richtigen Moment die richtigen Entscheidungen getroffen werden. Käufe oder Verkäufe von Unternehmen sowie strategische Kooperationen zwischen Unternehmen eröffnen Zukunftschancen, zählen zugleich aber auch zu den wichtigsten und risikoreichsten … Read more

M&A Yearbook 2012 – KPMG’s Overview Of Mergers And Acquisitions In Switzerland In 2011 And Outlook For 2012

By KPMG Deal Trends / Executive Summary Emerging market interactions Deals over the past year are noted as being increasingly driven by interest in and from the high growth markets, especially China, India and Brazil, but certainly not limited to these few. The “Next 11”, which includes countries closer to home, such as Turkey, as well … Read more

Taking A Longer-Term Look At M&A Value Creation

By Werner Rehm, Robert Uhlaner, Andy West– McKinsey & Company Contributor: Theresa Lorriman Companies that do many small deals can outperform their peers—if they have the right skills. But they need more than skill to succeed in large deals. Measuring the value that mergers and acquisitions create is an inexact science. Typical analyses compare share prices before and after a deal … Read more

Putting The Right People In Place: Integrating Finance After A Merger

by Accenture
The merging of two companies can introduce tremendous anxiety among employees in the legacy enterprises’ Finance organizations. As the M&A deal moves forward, these employees may wonder, “How will our new company’s Finance function operate? Who will be in charge? Will I still have a job? If so, how and when will my responsibilities change?” […] Read more

Sustainable Finance: The Risks And Opportunities That (Some) CFOs Are Overlooking

By Nick Main, Sanford Cockrell III – Deloitte About the survey The independent, global survey of 208 CFOs was undertaken by Verdantix on behalf of Deloitte. All the companies represented by the interviewees report annual revenue of more than $2 billion, and their average annual revenue is $17 billion. Total revenues of the firms represented by the interviewees exceed $3.5 trillion. … Read more

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