Why Asia’s Banks Underperform At M&A

By Ploy Jensen, Conor Kehoe, Badrinath Ramanathan – McKinsey & Company Why do Asian banks create less value with acquisitions than nonbank investors do? Compared with Europe and the United States, Asia emerged from the global downturn a winner, with its economies continuing to post higher growth rates and its banks suffering far less damage from the credit crisis. But if … Read more

HR Integration After A Merger: A Practical Example

By Wim De Wit – PricewaterhouseCoopers Aligning Human Resources to the business changes. Staying a Source of Competitive Advantage 1. Context 1.1. The overall crisis context of the banking sector 1.2. Changing strategy according to new HR challenges 1.3. What is BNP Paribas Fortis? BNP Paribas Fortis provides a total package of banking services to personal, business and institutional customers … Read more

Mergers & Acquisitions Quarterly Switzerland – First Quarter 2010

By Ernst & Young In the first quarter of 2010, the slight increase in transaction volume in Swiss M&A activity compared to Q4 2009 shows signs of a stabilizing M&A market. Stock performance in Switzerland was positive for the fourth consecutive quarter, with an overall increase of 40% compared to the end of Q1 2009. In … Read more

A Brave New World: The Climate For Chinese M&A Abroad

A Brave New World: The Climate For Chinese M&A Abroad

by Economist Intelligence Unit
Among the many signs of China’s increasing economic power has been a surge in the number of Chinese companies seeking to buy assets overseas. In 2009, while developed economies remained mired in the aftermath of the global financial crisis, Chinese companies made a record number of crossborder acquisitions — some 298 in total. Much of China’s investment has been welcomed by cash-strapped Western companies that would be hard-pressed to survive without it. […] Read more

Post Merger Integration: Hard Data, Hard Truths

By Johannes Gerds and Freddy Strottmann with Pakshalika Jayaprakash – Deloitte The numbers don’t lie. Many top corporate managers are faced with the challenge of a post merger integration (PMI) at least once in their career. And empirical studies indicate that one of every two PMI efforts fares poorly. These statistics are particularly telling given that mergers and acquisitions have … Read more

Best Practices In Merger Integration

By Catherine Dixon – The Intersect Group Best Practices Summary • Establish Strategic Framework for Decision Making • Dedicate Integration Resources • Frequently Assess Cultural Progress • Communicate Early and Often — Spell out “Non-Negotiables” as early as Possible — Jointly formulate a 100 Day Integration Plan — Communicate to all Employees, Customers, Suppliers • Measure Performance Versus Proforma • Focus on Priorities — Objectively … Read more

Post Merger Integration Study 2009 – Zielgerade oder Achterbahn?

Von Christian Knechtel, Thomas Menzler, Hatto Schick und Margarethe von Spee. – PwC Deutschland Zusammenfassung Wie bereits angerissen spiegeln die Ergebnisse der Befragung das ökonomische Klima der vergangenen drei Jahre wider. Die meisten Unternehmenskäufe zielten im Wesentlichen darauf ab, Wachstum zu generieren – sei es regional, durch neue Kunden oder neue Produkte. Dementsprechend standen auch Kosten und Synergien bei der … Read more

Making Your Chinese Merger “Marriage” Work: Achieving M&A Success In The Logistics Industry

By Mui-Fong Goh, Chee Wee Gan, Jian Li, Tammy Ku – A.T. Kearney Many market leaders view China, the world’s second-largest economy, as the “it” country for expansion, and identify the country’s logistics industry as the next growth frontier. As expansion-minded firms — domestic and foreign — strive to grow in China, they face certain challenges in conducting mergers and acquisitions. … Read more

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