M&A Yearbook 2009 – KPMG’s Overview Of Mergers And Acquisitions In Switzerland In 2008 And First Quarter 2009

By KPMG Executive Summary 2008 Highlights ■ Swiss buyers outnumbered foreign buyers by 2 to 1 on cross-border transactions ■ Double digit billion dollar deals have become rare; average transaction values have diminished by 30% over 2007 ■ Germany continues to be the most important transaction partner 2009 Outlook ■ Swiss companies generally have strong cash positions and healthy balance … Read more

Driving Banks’ Value Through M&A

Strategic Mergers And Acquisitions Are Reshaping European Banking By Arthur D. Little M&A activity in the financial services industry has increased significantly over the last few years. The crisis in the financial markets is now providing additional momentum for M&A activity, with a number of very sizeable institutions suddenly up for sale. Whether their goal is … Read more

Due Diligence: Think Operational

Discovering “Quick Win” Value In Mergers And Acquisitions By Jürgen Rothenbücher, Sandra Niewiem – A.T. Kearney With fewer good acquisition targets, tighter credit markets and skyrocketing deal prices, companies pursuing mergers or acquisitions must be certain that the target in their crosshairs can create value—and quickly. As operational and business knowledge becomes synonymous with a successful merger, more buyers … Read more

Measuring Post-Merger Success: Integration Processes And Human Factors

By Simon Harrison, Peter Farrell Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) are arguably the most popular and influential form of business investment. So much so, that in the last 10 years the level of M&A activity in the UK construction industry has increased significantly as companies seek to gain competitive advantage. Whilst the majority of additional M&A activity has … Read more

M&A China/Deutschland: Industrie 4.0 – Die Nächste Stufe Wird Gezündet!

by Unternehmeredition
Trotz des relativ flachen Wirtschaftswachstums in China und einer pessimistischeren Einschätzung ihrer eigenen Geschäftsaussichten würden europäische Unternehmen gerne verstärkt in China investieren – vorausgesetzt, die Regierung verbessert den Marktzugang. Rund 60% der Unternehmen würden dann voraussichtlich ihre Investitionen in dem Schwellenland erhöhen (2014: 54%). […] Read more

M&A China/Deutschland: Industrie 4.0 – Die Nächste Stufe Wird Gezündet!

By Unternehmeredition Besserer Marktzugang in China, mehr Investitionen aus Europa Trotz des relativ flachen Wirtschaftswachstums in China und einer pessimistischeren Einschätzung ihrer eigenen Geschäftsaussichten würden europäische Unternehmen gerne verstärkt in China investieren – vorausgesetzt, die Regierung verbessert den Marktzugang. Rund 60% der Unternehmen würden dann voraussichtlich ihre Investitionen in dem Schwellenland erhöhen (2014: 54%). Zu diesem Ergebnis … Read more

Mergers & Acquisitions In Russia In 2007

Mid-market eating a quarter of the pie By Michael Knoll – PricewaterhouseCoopers Ten key findings for M&A in Russia in 2007 • Greater competition drove consolidation in numerous industries • Domestic firms sought vertical as well as horizontal integration • Foreign strategic buyers sought entry into the fast growing Russian market • A second wave of foreign strategic buyers is arriving, smaller … Read more

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