Avoiding post-merger blues

By Ralf C. Schläpfer and Gustav Baldinger. – BearingPoint Cultural differences pose serious business risks for any company engaged in merger and acquisition activity. Alexa Fletcher, BearingPoint research fellow, identifies five management priorities that corporate leaders should focus on to help reduce these risks and enhance returns. In 1998, Daimler-Benz bought a highly profitable U.S. automaker—a company enjoying record sales … Read more

M&As — The Long And The Short Of It

Exhibit 1 Medium-sized deal performance

by Towers Perrin
When mergers and acquisitions grab the headlines, it’s often the big deals that move the markets and capture the attention of investors, analysts and the general public. Certainly there have been plenty of blockbuster transactions in recent months as companies loaded with cash have made M&A activity a central part of their quest to build shareholder value. […] Read more

Mergers And Acquisitions — Experiences Of Indian Executives

By Accenture In the first half of 2006, Accenture and the Economist Intelligence Unit surveyed senior executives in North America, Europe and Asia on their mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity and their experiences in integrating companies. In the fourth quarter of 2006, the same survey was administered to 156 executives based in India. Of the total respondents in India, 40% … Read more

Corporate Fight Back – Five disciplines to win in M&A

Executive summary: a new era of M&A A new era of M&A has emerged, which is changing the face of corporate Britain. Over the last three years the M&A market has leapt back to life. Three forces – private capital and in particular PE, investor activism and globalisation – have converged to reshape the fundamental dynamics … Read more

Corporate Fight Back – Five disciplines to win in M&A

Executive summary A new era of M&AA new era of M&A has emerged, which is changing the face of corporate Britain. Over the last three years the M&A market has leapt back to life. Three forces – private capital and in particular PE, investor activism and globalisation – have converged to reshape the fundamental dynamics … Read more

Cross-Border Transactions: Spotlight On Central Eastern Europe

By Dave Read, David Clanchy and Brendan O’Mahony – Ernst & Young “A World of Opportunity” Today’s dynamic transaction market presents a world of opportunity. As corporations and other investors turn their attention to international opportunities, they are looking beyond traditional markets to achieve high growth and competitive advantage. Ernst & Young’s “Cross-Border Transactions” series aims to shed light on the … Read more

Habits Of The Busiest Acquirers

By Robert N. Palter, Dev Srinivasan – McKinsey & Company M&A executives at the most successful US companies understand not only how acquisitions create value but also how to enlist the support of the organization. A thin line divides the kind of merger that nurtures a company’s growth from one that destroys value. No surprise, then, that M&A practitioners … Read more

The Great Buy-Out: M&A In China

Figure 1 Completed M&A transactions involving China

by Economist Intelligence Unit
One of the first merger-and-acquisition (M&A) transactions in China was completed in 1985, barely seven years after Deng Xiaoping started opening communist China to the world. It was the purchase by Singapore’s Hong Leong Enterprises, for an undisclosed sum, of Rheem (Far East), a maker of steel drums established in pre-communist 1946 China by Rheem International USA. […] Read more

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