Accelerate Merger Value With A Pre-Merger IT Diagnostic

Accelerate Merger Value With A Pre-Merger IT Diagnostic

by A.T. Kearney
Traditionally, merger success has been built on the integration of the front office — including customers, product lines and sales channels — while back-office functions such as finance, HR and IT took a backseat in the drive for merger synergies. Today, however, increased competition and market expectations have raised the stakes for a successful merger. For merger savvy organizations, “above the line” growth must be complemented with “below the line” cost management and efficiency. […] Read more

Sales Process Management: The Early Bird Advantage

By Neil Dhar, Mark Ross – PricewaterhouseCoopers Remember how unpleasant it was the last time you did business with an unprepared seller? Their team was long on data, but short on analysis, with a data room organized to appeal more to lawyers than businessmen. To make matters worse, the seller could not keep up with information requests. And access … Read more

Not So Fast: Companies Need To Pace Themselves During The Integration Process

By Gillis Jonk and Michael Ungerath – A.T. Kearney Prevailing wisdom says speed in a merger or acquisition is essential to success. Integrate quickly or fail. So why do only a few generate real value? Depending on who you talk to, fewer than 20 to 50 percent of M&As succeed. It’s time to rethink our philosophy on merger integration. Speed, … Read more

M&A Due Diligence: The 360-Degree View

By John O. Nigh and Marco Boschetti By taking a complete look at all the relevant sources of value and risk, the chances of a successful acquisition increase significantly. With the resurgence of merger and acquisition (M&A) activity in the financial institution sector, it’s important for companies seeking to grow by acquisition to make sure they … Read more

Pharmaceutical Sector: M&A Insights 2005-2006

By Neal Ransome – PricewaterhouseCoopers M&A remains robust M&A activity in the pharmaceutical and healthcare sector remained buoyant during 2005 with the completion of 2,048 transactions totalling $152bn. This tally – which encompasses deals worldwide in the pharmaceuticals, medical devices and healthcare services segments – compares with 1,807 transactions worth a combined $146bn in 2004. The top-end of … Read more

Mitigating Risks in Mergers and Acquisitions: Undertaking Due Diligence in China

Robert Stegmann, a director in BearingPoint’s Merger Services practice, has worked extensively with companies in China, Korea, Japan and throughout the United States, helping them improve their strategies when it comes to due diligence and merger integration. In this Perspectives piece, Robert shares vital information for companies actively interested in entering or expanding in the … Read more

Post-Merger Indigestion: Incomplete Integrations Can Be Hazardous To Your Company’s Health

By Douglas Tuttle – Deloitte Post-merger indigestion (n.): an insidious malady common among serial acquirers that fail to fully absorb their acquisitions. Initial symptoms include rising costs, unclear reporting relationships, technological inefficiency, and marketplace confusion. The sufferer experiences shrinking margins and lower revenue gains with each additional transaction. If left untreated, the syndrome can lead to a spectacular loss … Read more

Who Should Manage The M&A Process?

2005 M&A Panel Discussion By Towers Perrin Our panelists engage in an informative discussion of individual company approaches to managing the M&A process and share their experiences on what has been most successful. We look specifically at the pros and cons of centralized versus decentralized approaches and also examine the role of outside advisors. With a … Read more

Managing Divestitures For Value And Liquidity

Corporate Development Roundtable By Curt Cornwell, James Flanagan, Mike Wathen –  PricewaterhouseCoopers Divestitures are a strategic imperative The management challenge of divesting a business for value and liquidity Companies sell businesses for three inter-related reasons: to meet corporate strategic goals, to take advantage of an opportunity to sell a property at its peak value or to raise cash during hard times. … Read more

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