Doing Deals In Emerging Markets

Corporate Development Roundtable By PricewaterhouseCoopers Emerging markets a complex challenge Emerging markets beckon, but deciding when and how to invest is an exercise in uncertainty The siren calls of populous nations shaking off the restraints of the past and moving toward a free market economy are enormously tempting for corporations in mature economies. These companies see that … Read more

A New Playing Field: The Emergence Of Pan-European Retail Banks Through Cross-Border M&A

Creating global champions By Deloitte Executive summary 1) Cross-border retail banking boom underway. In the past two years, eight of the 12 financial services mergers above $3 billion (USD), with a European domiciled firm as the acquirer, have been cross-border retail banking transactions. As the European banking market enters new and previously uncharted waters – the … Read more

A User’s Guide to Successful M&As

by Arthur D. Little
The global number of mergers and acquisitions has rebounded strongly since 2004. Many top executives are wondering whether it’s worth getting back into M&A as a tool for growth – and if so what best-practice maximises the chances of success. As Vantrappen and Kilefors explore in their article, not all mergers and acquisitions make sense. They provide a summary of what academia has to say, the steps to success and what executives need to do to make the best from the complicated world of M&A. […] Read more

Delivering Merger Synergy: A Supply Chain Perspective on Achieving High Performance

By Tom Herd, Arun K. Saksena and Terry W. Steger – Accenture After a quiet period of several years, merger and acquisition (M&A) activity has gained momentum across many industry sectors in 2005. The interest in M&A activity never, of course, disappeared—and with good reason. Accenture research shows that high performance businesses pursue growth strategies that juggle the short- term priorities of today … Read more

Measuring Merger Odds For European Banks

By Thierry Pascault, Kirsten Bremke and Boris Piwinger – A.T. Kearney The pace of mergers and acquisitions is once again on an upswing. As deals become fast and furious, which are the best bets? Our study of the European banking industry points to where the smart money is. The consolidation of the European banking industry is about to accelerate. So far, … Read more

Winning Big Deals — Profitably

By Thomas Kratzert – A.T. Kearney Today’s aggressive, sophisticated buyers make detailed comparisons of prices and specifications. Often there’s little room for loyalty, relationships and even trust. But when it comes to crafting multimillion-dollar contracts, sellers that combine strategic selling and pricing approaches can win more business and bolster their margins. It has been said that a business … Read more

Is M&A Really Worth The Trouble And Risk?

Is M&A Really Worth The Trouble And Risk?

by Towers Perrin
Insurance M&A is on the rise again. A tier of stronger players has emerged who are looking to gain market share, raise capital or otherwise make more efficient use of capital to streamline their business. However, the past has shown us that many mergers and acquisitions never fully achieve their potential benefits. Is M&A really worth the trouble and risk? What, then, are the keys to a successful outcome? […] Read more

Central & Eastern European Mergers & Acquisition Survey 2004: Romania Report

By Emilian Radu – PricewaterhouseCoopers It is a pleasure to present to you our latest report on the mergers and acquisitions (M&A) market in Romania in 2004, in the light of the recent regional developments. As in our previous report we have a special section dedicated to privatisations. The survey included over 1,200 publicly disclosed private sector transactions … Read more

HR Rises To The Challenge: Unlocking The Value Of M&A

EXHIBIT 1-2 Expected Change in M&A Activity-Key Drivers

by Towers Perrin
With mergers and acquisitions reemerging as a key business strategy for many organizations, the billion-dollar question is whether the next wave of deals will prove more successful than many of those struck during the late 1990s. Towers Perrin research suggests the answer will be yes for many organizations, thanks in part to some hard lessons learned about the critical people issues involved in integrating businesses successfully. […] Read more

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