Synergies – Is it practical to track from target to execution

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    In any of your transaction, from Due diligence where we identify the synergy possibilities and firm that up to drive acquisition decisions. As we move from Sign to Close to Integration completion, have you seen practically tracking synergy against target viz a viz actual. In your experience, what percentage of transaction are able to achieve target synergies in scheduled timeline?


    I guess I’ve started considering alignment opportunities in an M&A deal as aspirational. You identify all of the opportunities and if you’re able to accomplish more than 50%, you’re doing pretty well! I’d say the bigger issue is how well these opportunities are tracked through the whole process.


    There are some very helpful synergy models that have helped me think through financial targets and feasibility. Having a software platform for integration tracking serves as the mechanism to track and report whether or not those synergies are being realized.

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