Degree Of Equity Ownership In Cross-Border Acquisitions Of Brazilian Firms By Multinationals: A Strategic Response To Institutional Distance

Table 1-2 Correlations-Logistic regression for the equity ownership acquired

by Elsevier Ltd.
This study analyzes how foreign multinational enterprises respond to uncertainty in their cross-border acquisitions in emerging economies and, specifically in Brazil, given the institutional differences that separate the home and host countries. We analyze how institutional distance impacts multinational enterprises strategy in taking a partial or full ownership stake in their Brazilian acquisitions. […] Read more

Emerging Markets Review: Rights Issues And Creeping Acquisitions In India

Emerging Markets Review: Rights Issues And Creeping Acquisitions In India

by Elsevier Ltd.
We analyze the extent to which promoters of firms listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange are using rights issues to circumvent regulatory provisions related to creeping acquisitions. We find that promoters use rights issues that do not have specific objectives for purposes of realizing an increase in their shareholdings. We find that a rights issue often follows a year in which the promoter has realized a loss of shareholdings. […] Read more

The appetite for acquisitions in Austria increases

by Wirtschaftsblatt
Nach den mageren Jahren im Markt für Fusionen und Übernahmen (M&A) belebt sich das Geschäft langsam wieder. Bereits im Vorjahr hat sich der Markt in Österreich stabilisiert, aber es war noch ein Übergangsjahr für ein deutlich aktiveres 2011. Dafür sprechen gut gefüllte Kriegskassen der Unternehmen und günstige Bewertungen. […] Read more

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