Joint Venture And Alternative Structure Transactions: Getting Them Right From The Start

Joint Venture And Alternative Structure Transactions: Getting Them Right From The Start

by Deloitte
Joint ventures (JVs) and other alternative structures (such as alliances and consortiums) may be superior to mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and greenfield operations in many market entry situations. While full company or carve-out acquisition and divestitures are a critical tool in the strategic toolset of nearly every business, JVs typically offer the following advantages […] Read more

Global Capital Confidence Barometer – Buying And Bonding: Alliances Join M&A As Engines Of Growth

Figure 1 Key MA findings

by Ernst & Young
Our latest Global Capital Confidence Barometer continues to find a strong acquisition appetite together with a growing inclination to forge new alliances. Prolonged economic challenges are driving investment decisions, leading companies to ally and cooperate to generate growth as well as compete and acquire to gain market share. […] Read more

The Power Of Alliances: Partnering For Growth In The Insurance Sector

The Power Of Alliances: Partnering For Growth In The Insurance Sector

This is an era of unprecedented change for the insurance sector. New technologies, new customer expectations, new regulations and new competitive pressures are rapidly disrupting the traditional insurance business model. In this environment, insurance organizations have no choice but to adapt. The good news is that the vast majority of insurance executives intuitively know they need to be more innovative. […] Read more

Strategic Alliances: Finding The Hidden Leverage For Success

A group of colleagues having a business meeting in an office meeting room

by Arthur D. Little
Mergers… joint ventures… strategic alliances… businesses are increasingly relying on these activities for strategic advantage. All too frequently, however, the potential benefits fail to materialize. While much attention is focused on the financial and contractual aspects of an alliance, we believe that the key to organizational partnerships lies in a different arena. […] Read more

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