M&A Beyond Borders: Opportunities And Risks

Figure 1 Attractiveness of regions as M&A destinations

by Marsh, Mercer, Kroll
Emerging market corporations are now more confident in their pursuit of M&A. Chinese, Indian and Russian companies have been prolific in venturing outside their domestic markets to do deals, demonstrating that they are well-managed, efficient and globally competitive. Many of them have recently had initial public offerings on stock exchanges – not so much to raise capital as to demonstrate greater transparency, dispel perceptions of reputational issues and effectively pave the way for future M&A deals. […] Read more

The Great Buy-Out: M&A In China

Figure 1 Completed M&A transactions involving China

by Economist Intelligence Unit
One of the first merger-and-acquisition (M&A) transactions in China was completed in 1985, barely seven years after Deng Xiaoping started opening communist China to the world. It was the purchase by Singapore’s Hong Leong Enterprises, for an undisclosed sum, of Rheem (Far East), a maker of steel drums established in pre-communist 1946 China by Rheem International USA. […] Read more

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