Coming Together: Getting The Cultural Integration Right Following A Merger Or Acquisition Can Be Crucial For Success

Coming Together: Getting The Cultural Integration Right

by A.M. Best
David King arrives at M&A integration meetings with laminated sheets of paper. On each page is the rationale behind the merger or acquisition — the “deal thesis.” King, who advises companies on post-M&A integration, wants to make sure management teams keep their eye on the ball, so he hands each team member a copy of the deal thesis. […] Read more

M&A Beyond Borders: Opportunities And Risks

Figure 1 Attractiveness of regions as M&A destinations

by Marsh, Mercer, Kroll
Emerging market corporations are now more confident in their pursuit of M&A. Chinese, Indian and Russian companies have been prolific in venturing outside their domestic markets to do deals, demonstrating that they are well-managed, efficient and globally competitive. Many of them have recently had initial public offerings on stock exchanges – not so much to raise capital as to demonstrate greater transparency, dispel perceptions of reputational issues and effectively pave the way for future M&A deals. […] Read more

Mastering M&A communication: Helping employees to deal with the deal

By Lea Peterson and Stella Voules For organizations involved in a merger or acquisition, capturing the synergies of the deal and doing so quickly are major hurdles. The transformation needed to drive such synergies almost always requires a set of complex, even painful, changes. These changes have a direct impact on employees and their work and can … Read more

From Pre-Deal To All Systems Go: Eight Practical IT Integration Imperatives To Help Drive M&A Success

Code review

by Accenture
In spite of a softer economy and a changing business landscape, mergers and acquisitions remain a vital part of many companies’ overall strategies to attain and maintain competitive advantage. But even in the best of economic times, merger and acquisition (M&A) execution is a challenge. Statistics have shown that anywhere from 40 percent to 60 percent of M&As either fail outright or fall well short of the value they’re expected to bring. Improving the financial return for M&As, even incrementally, offers a huge potential value. […] Read more

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