Valuation in Europe – European companies will be less valuable

trend interview

by trend
Valuation in Europe – European companies will be less valuable. An interview with Prof. Aswath Damodaran and Prof. Christopher Kummer about valuation and Mergers & Acquisitions by Trend (Austria)! They also discuss how European companies can make use of M&A to grow their value. […] Read more

A Better Way To M&A: Zeroing In On Telecom Value

Exhibit 1 EMEA telecom M&A activity

by McKinsey & Company
With organic growth opportunities narrowing, telecom players need a better way to screen potential M&A targets. A data-rich, heat map–based approach can help. The recent surge in telecom M&A activity raises an important question: which acquisitions will create the most value for your company? Always important, mergers and acquisitions (M&As) have become essential among expansion-minded telecom players in Europe as organic growth opportunities begin to evaporate. […] Read more

Deal Capsule: Transactions In Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals July 2016

Table 1-2 Pharmaceuticals July 2016

The number of completed deals remained high in both sectors in HY1 2016. While total deal value for pharmaceuticals decreased, chemicals witnessed a 40% increase in HY1 2016 versus HY1 2015. Pharmaceutical M&A was impacted by stock market volatility, while new US regulatory rules struck down the $160 billion Pfizer-Allergan merger. Oncology and dermatology were key areas of interest for big pharma, who were especially keen on acquiring biotech assets. […] Read more

Deal Capsule: Transactions In Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals April 2016

Deal Capsule: Transactions In Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals April 2016

While the number of completed pharma deals were slightly higher in Q1 2016 versus Q1 2015, deal value was far lower in the absence of any >$10 billion completions. Only one deal exceeded $5 billion in Q1 2016 (versus 8 in Q1 2015). Specialization continues to be a driving force in Q1 2016, especially in sectors such as OTC, rare diseases and oncology. Declines in transaction values were also witnessed in chemicals. Downstream specialty chemicals was the leading focus area, notably in applications, resins and agrochemicals. […] Read more

Pfizer, Allergan deal dead, what could be next?

Pfizer Allergan Merger

A $160 billion merger between Pfizer and Allergan lay in tatters Wednesday and left experts contemplating whether more deals could be hit by new tax rules issued by the U.S. Treasury. The deal, which would have allowed New York-based Pfizer to cut its tax bill by redomiciling to Ireland, has now been formally ended. Fresh rules issued Monday make it tougher for target companies to pass on their overseas registered address and in turn, beneficial tax rates. […] Read more

Metro will sich aufspalten

Metro Diagramm 1

by Handelsblatt
Kurz nach seinem Amtsantritt als Metro-Chef im Januar 2012 setzte Olaf Koch ein Zeichen. Er verlegte sein Büro vom Hauptgebäude der Düsseldorfer Zentrale, der Brücke 1, zur Brücke 13, von wo das Tagesgeschäft der Großhandelsmärkte geführt wird. Damit rückte er „Cash & Carry“ wieder in den Fokus des Handelskonzerns – die Sparte, mit der bei Metro vor gut 50 Jahren alles begann. […] Read more

The Power Of Alliances: Partnering For Growth In The Insurance Sector

The Power Of Alliances: Partnering For Growth In The Insurance Sector

This is an era of unprecedented change for the insurance sector. New technologies, new customer expectations, new regulations and new competitive pressures are rapidly disrupting the traditional insurance business model. In this environment, insurance organizations have no choice but to adapt. The good news is that the vast majority of insurance executives intuitively know they need to be more innovative. […] Read more

Global Oil And Gas Transactions Review 2015

Global Oil And Gas Transactions Review 2015

by Ernst & Young
The dramatic drop in both crude oil and natural gas prices across the year combined with a high level of uncertainty about their future trajectory challenged oil and gas merger and acquisition (M&A) activity in 2015. Crude oil prices, which began the year at US$55 per barrel (Brent), declined to US$37 per barrel by December, the lowest level since May 2004 with natural gas prices experiencing a similar journey. […] Read more

Consumer Currents – Food For Thought: Do Grocers Need To Reinvent Their Business Model?

Consumer Currents - Food For Thought: Do Grocers Need To Reinvent Their Business Model?

As Albert Einstein shrewdly remarked: “If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” In the consumer marketplace in the 21st century we live in an age where innovation and reinvention is the key to growth. That is the challenge – and opportunity. […] Read more

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