Deal Capsule: Transactions In Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals July 2016

Table 1-2 Pharmaceuticals July 2016

The number of completed deals remained high in both sectors in HY1 2016. While total deal value for pharmaceuticals decreased, chemicals witnessed a 40% increase in HY1 2016 versus HY1 2015. Pharmaceutical M&A was impacted by stock market volatility, while new US regulatory rules struck down the $160 billion Pfizer-Allergan merger. Oncology and dermatology were key areas of interest for big pharma, who were especially keen on acquiring biotech assets. […] Read more

Global Capital Confidence Barometer – Buying And Bonding: Alliances Join M&A As Engines Of Growth

Figure 1 Key MA findings

by Ernst & Young
Our latest Global Capital Confidence Barometer continues to find a strong acquisition appetite together with a growing inclination to forge new alliances. Prolonged economic challenges are driving investment decisions, leading companies to ally and cooperate to generate growth as well as compete and acquire to gain market share. […] Read more

Deal Capsule: Transactions In Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals April 2016

Deal Capsule: Transactions In Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals April 2016

While the number of completed pharma deals were slightly higher in Q1 2016 versus Q1 2015, deal value was far lower in the absence of any >$10 billion completions. Only one deal exceeded $5 billion in Q1 2016 (versus 8 in Q1 2015). Specialization continues to be a driving force in Q1 2016, especially in sectors such as OTC, rare diseases and oncology. Declines in transaction values were also witnessed in chemicals. Downstream specialty chemicals was the leading focus area, notably in applications, resins and agrochemicals. […] Read more

Metro will sich aufspalten

Metro Diagramm 1

by Handelsblatt
Kurz nach seinem Amtsantritt als Metro-Chef im Januar 2012 setzte Olaf Koch ein Zeichen. Er verlegte sein Büro vom Hauptgebäude der Düsseldorfer Zentrale, der Brücke 1, zur Brücke 13, von wo das Tagesgeschäft der Großhandelsmärkte geführt wird. Damit rückte er „Cash & Carry“ wieder in den Fokus des Handelskonzerns – die Sparte, mit der bei Metro vor gut 50 Jahren alles begann. […] Read more

Dividing to Conquer

by: Florian Kolf and Georg Weishaupt German retailer Metro is splitting into two. Investors think the company’s consumer electronics and supermarket businesses are worth more separately than together. The break-up also helps CEO Olaf Koch, who can relegate a cantankerous minority shareholder to the sidelines. Shortly after he took over as chief executive of German … Read more

2016 Global Chemical Industry Mergers And Acquisitions Outlook: A Quest For Focus

2016 Global Chemical Industry Mergers And Acquisitions Outlook: A Quest For Focus

by Deloitte
In the Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (Deloitte Global) 2015 Global chemical industry mergers and acquisitions outlook, record levels of chemical mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity in 2014 were observed, with a prediction that strong M&A momentum would continue in the industry into 2015. While the number of global chemical deals was relatively flat in 2015, the strong M&A momentum has continued with the number of global chemical deals in 2015 exceeding the previous six-year average by over 6 percent. […] Read more

Going Out – Chinas Strategie Vor Neuen Herausforderungen

by Unternehmeredition
Der Indikator des China Economic Panel (CEP), der die Konjunkturerwartungen internationaler Finanzexperten für China in den nächsten zwölf Monaten wiedergibt, fiel im August von plus 8,8 auf minus 6,0 Punkte. Das gab das Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW) Anfang September bekannt. Allerdings ist der Rückgang trotz der Börsen- und Währungsturbulenzen nicht so stark wie zum Jahresanfang, als der CEP-Indikator um 14,2 Zähler auf minus 7,6 Punkte fiel. […] Read more

M&A China/Deutschland: Starker Renminbi Heizt Outbound-M&A An

M&A China/Deutschland: Starker Renminbi Heizt Outbound-M&A An

by Unternehmeredition
2014 erreichten die chinesischen Investitionen in Europa mit insgesamt 18 Mrd. USD einen neuen Rekord. Im Vergleich zum relativ schwachen Jahr 2013 war dies eine Verdoppelung des Volumens. Zu diesem Resultat kommt die Studie „Reaching New Heights“ der Wirtschaftskanzlei Baker & McKenzie und der Investment Bank CICC, die auf Daten des Analysehauses Rhodium basiert. Dabei wurden 153 M&A-Transaktionen und Greenfield-Investments chinesischer Investoren im Jahr 2014 erfasst und ausgewertet. […] Read more

‘Protectionism’ In M&A: A Mixed Picture

Figure 2 Some practical considerations

by Allen & Overy
When a national ‘champion’ is at stake, lively political and media debate often follows, sometimes even where the sector involved is not particularly ‘sensitive’. This is unsurprising in markets facing slow economic growth and, more recently, there has been an interesting interplay between expanding sanctions regimes and policy in this area. […] Read more

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