Mitigating Human Capital Risks And Unlocking Value From Spin-Offs

Mitigating Human Capital Risks And Unlocking Value From Spin-Offs

by Willis Towers Watson
Spin-offs — corporate transactions in which business units separate from their parent company to become independent entities — are increasingly popular as companies reexamine their business strategies and search for additional ways to boost shareholder returns. Two Willis Towers Watson experts look at the unique human capital challenges associated with spin-offs and the steps organizations can take to minimize the risks and maximize the chances of success for these types of transactions. […] Read more

Human Capital Considerations In Cross-Border Deals In Latin America

Human Capital Considerations In Cross-Border Deals In Latin America

by Deloitte
Acquiring an overseas company can open up new markets and business opportunities. However, foreign companies may also include a number of unique human capital considerations that can impact deal value. Latin America, for one, may be a particularly attractive region for foreign acquirers, with a growing middle class and wealth of natural resources. […] Read more

Managing M&A People Risk: Best Practices For Buyers And Sellers

Managing M&A People Risk: Best Practices For Buyers And Sellers

by Mercer
Talent scarcity and the maintaining of talent during M&A activity are prime considerations that must be factored into any such deals. The spiraling amount of global M&A activity undertaken and the pressures and complexities they entail demand an elevated approach to human capital management and the risks that confront every buyer and seller. […] Read more

People Risks In M&A Transactions

Figure 1 Surveyed firms

by Mercer
Offering robust data and analysis as well as unique insights and guidance, Mercer’s first annual research report on people risks in M&A transactions provides an in-depth view of the human capital issues buyers and sellers are facing in the marketplace. In addition, this report identifies practical solutions and strategies organizations are deploying to effectively hedge these risks and drive deal value. […] Read more

Effective Management Of Change During Merger And Acquisition

Table 1 Failed Mergers

by Elsevier Ltd.
The on-going dance of merger and acquisition happening every week is hard to miss. But it has been found that most mergers and acquisition fail because of poor handling of change management. Change is the only thing that will never change so let’s learn to adopt by change management. This publication will analyse all the factors that lead to change. […] Read more

Globalizing Asia Pacific: Maximizing The Value Of Human Capital In Outbound M&A

Figure 1 When in the acquisition cycle are key employees to retain identified?

by Willis Towers Watson
In recent years, with the global financial crisis arriving on the heels of a near collapse of the financial establishment in the West, increased investment and development diverted to emerging markets has produced a wealthy new economic class with plenty of power to spend. Against this backdrop, Asian companies are beginning to play a more significant role in the world economy. […] Read more

Mastering M&A communication: Helping employees to deal with the deal

By Lea Peterson and Stella Voules For organizations involved in a merger or acquisition, capturing the synergies of the deal and doing so quickly are major hurdles. The transformation needed to drive such synergies almost always requires a set of complex, even painful, changes. These changes have a direct impact on employees and their work and can … Read more

HR Rises To The Challenge: Unlocking The Value Of M&A

EXHIBIT 1-2 Expected Change in M&A Activity-Key Drivers

by Towers Perrin
With mergers and acquisitions reemerging as a key business strategy for many organizations, the billion-dollar question is whether the next wave of deals will prove more successful than many of those struck during the late 1990s. Towers Perrin research suggests the answer will be yes for many organizations, thanks in part to some hard lessons learned about the critical people issues involved in integrating businesses successfully. […] Read more

The Role Of Human Capital In M&A

Figure 1 Number of M&A-related activities

by Towers Perrin
European merger and acquisition (M&A) transactions are surprisingly successful: over 70% of respondents report their M&A deals achieved targeted objectives. New desk research into 50 large mergers and acquisitions in Europe backs-up the respondents’ claims. In 45% of the deals the share price of the merged company outperformed the rest of its sector in the following year. […] Read more

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