M&A 2014: Return Of The Big Deal

by McKinsey & Company
Investors are optimistic about the value of big deals behind a growing wave of M&A. What key trends do they need to understand? After years of stagnant activity, mergers and acquisitions surged in 2014, with the announcement of more than 7,500 deals with a combined value exceeding $3.5 trillion. […] Read more

‘Protectionism’ In M&A: A Mixed Picture

Figure 2 Some practical considerations

by Allen & Overy
When a national ‘champion’ is at stake, lively political and media debate often follows, sometimes even where the sector involved is not particularly ‘sensitive’. This is unsurprising in markets facing slow economic growth and, more recently, there has been an interesting interplay between expanding sanctions regimes and policy in this area. […] Read more

Foreign Direct Investment And Strategic Partnerships: Cross Border Acquisitions Between India And Africa

Foreign Direct Investment And Strategic Partnerships: Cross Border Acquisitions Between India And Africa

by Elsevier Ltd.
The African economy provides an investment opportunity for International players both in terms of procuring natural resources and opening up a potential one billion consumer market. Along with the vast investment potential, on the downside firms face challenges that come from investing into nations with corporate governance, infrastructure and regulatory environments that are not as conducive for investments as found in developed nations. […] Read more

Operational Due Diligence: Investment Management And Funds

Figure 1 KPMG ODD service offering

Operational due diligence (ODD) over investment managers has never been more critical. Recent scandals such as Madoff and Weavering have served to underline the growing importance of ODD in the minds of investors. Adding in other factors such as an increasingly complex regulatory environment and the investors’ search for the alpha generating, operationally sound investment managers becomes increasingly difficult. […] Read more

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