Human Capital Considerations In Cross-Border Deals In Latin America

Human Capital Considerations In Cross-Border Deals In Latin America

by Deloitte
Acquiring an overseas company can open up new markets and business opportunities. However, foreign companies may also include a number of unique human capital considerations that can impact deal value. Latin America, for one, may be a particularly attractive region for foreign acquirers, with a growing middle class and wealth of natural resources. […] Read more

Global Transactions Forecast: The Impact Of Macro Trends On Future M&A And IPO Activity

Figure 1 Global MA-IPO transactions

by Baker & McKenzie
The fundamental drivers of global transactions are pointing to a continued strong upturn in M&A and IPOs over the next three years. Global economic growth is expected to accelerate, and low interest rates and easy credit conditions in key countries are likely to maintain upward momentum in equity markets. […] Read more

Dealing With Uncertainty: Strategies For Overcoming Compliance Risk And Regulatory Challenges In Cross-Border M&A

Figure 1 Pharmerging Markets

by Baker & McKenzie
When you look at the numbers, there’s no question why global pharmaceutical companies have set their sights on emerging markets for future growth. From 2012 to 2017, global pharmaceutical sales are expected to rise 13% in the “pharmerging markets,” compared to 2% for the top mature markets, according to the IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics. […] Read more

Insurance 2020: A Quiet Revolution – The Future Of Insurance M&A

Image 1 Insurance M&A

by PricewaterhouseCoopers
The global insurance industry’s outlook is improving. The mature economies of Europe and North America are moving towards recovery, while the emerging markets of Asia and Latin America continue to grow. A pickup in global premiums is forecast, but the industry should not expect a return to the old ways. Insurers are operating in a world where the goal of long-term growth seems to be getting further away. Instead, insurers face a range of obstacles including persistently low investment yields, tightening regulation and overcapacity in many markets. […] Read more

M&A Beyond Borders: Opportunities And Risks

Figure 1 Attractiveness of regions as M&A destinations

by Marsh, Mercer, Kroll
Emerging market corporations are now more confident in their pursuit of M&A. Chinese, Indian and Russian companies have been prolific in venturing outside their domestic markets to do deals, demonstrating that they are well-managed, efficient and globally competitive. Many of them have recently had initial public offerings on stock exchanges – not so much to raise capital as to demonstrate greater transparency, dispel perceptions of reputational issues and effectively pave the way for future M&A deals. […] Read more

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