Globalizing Asia Pacific: Maximizing The Value Of Human Capital In Outbound M&A

Figure 1 When in the acquisition cycle are key employees to retain identified?

by Willis Towers Watson
In recent years, with the global financial crisis arriving on the heels of a near collapse of the financial establishment in the West, increased investment and development diverted to emerging markets has produced a wealthy new economic class with plenty of power to spend. Against this backdrop, Asian companies are beginning to play a more significant role in the world economy. […] Read more

Putting The Right People In Place: Integrating Finance After A Merger

by Accenture
The merging of two companies can introduce tremendous anxiety among employees in the legacy enterprises’ Finance organizations. As the M&A deal moves forward, these employees may wonder, “How will our new company’s Finance function operate? Who will be in charge? Will I still have a job? If so, how and when will my responsibilities change?” […] Read more

IT As A Driver Of M&A Success

It As A Driver Of M&A Success

by Ernst & Young
Businesses today are under more pressure than ever to deliver value to stakeholders, particularly when undertaking bold initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or asset disposals. This is true not only for corporate acquirers but also for private equity (PE) firms, whose strategy is leaning toward add‐on acquisitions as a means of growing their portfolio companies. […] Read more

Why successful M&A now depends on getting your ducks in a row as early as possible.

by CFO Magazine
By the time Cisco Systems announced its acquisition of Norwegian videoconferencing company Tandberg last April, company executives had spent the better part of a year traveling to, working in, and thinking very hard about the Oslo-based technology firm it was about to buy for $3 billion.[…] Read more

Unlock The True Value Of Your Merger: Tap The Power Of Lean

Exhibit 1 Types of Mergers

by Strategy&
As the financial-services industry emerges from the greatest economic crisis in 70 years, and comes to grips with a raft of new regulations, banks are consolidating, and they will continue to do so. In the first quarter of 2010, M&A activity spiked 50 percent. Integrating two financial institutions has never been easy, and the current environment raises a host of new challenges that even experienced M&A hands must find ways to address. […] Read more

Perspectives On Merger Integration

by McKinsey & Company
Despite continued uncertainty, signs point to a surge in M&A activity that will be ambitious in both scope and profile. Even M&A veterans will require new tools for analysis and integration to manage these deals for maximum benefit – new organizational efficiencies, market expansion, employee development, product innovation, and profit. Mergers often accelerate in the second half of a downturn, which is where the economy seems to be these days. […] Read more

A Brave New World: The Climate For Chinese M&A Abroad

A Brave New World: The Climate For Chinese M&A Abroad

by Economist Intelligence Unit
Among the many signs of China’s increasing economic power has been a surge in the number of Chinese companies seeking to buy assets overseas. In 2009, while developed economies remained mired in the aftermath of the global financial crisis, Chinese companies made a record number of crossborder acquisitions — some 298 in total. Much of China’s investment has been welcomed by cash-strapped Western companies that would be hard-pressed to survive without it. […] Read more

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