L’heure est à la recomposition dans le secteur aérien européen

by Reuters
Pour les compagnies aériennes européennes, l’heure est aux grandes manoeuvres et le monde du transport aérien s’est une nouvelle fois agité mercredi lorsqu’Air France-KLM a laissé passer la date limite pour le dépôt d’une offre sur Austrian Airlines, tandis que Lufthansa s’est retirée des discussions sur le rachat de TUIfly.[…] Read more

M&A China/Deutschland: Industrie 4.0 – Die Nächste Stufe Wird Gezündet!

by Unternehmeredition
Trotz des relativ flachen Wirtschaftswachstums in China und einer pessimistischeren Einschätzung ihrer eigenen Geschäftsaussichten würden europäische Unternehmen gerne verstärkt in China investieren – vorausgesetzt, die Regierung verbessert den Marktzugang. Rund 60% der Unternehmen würden dann voraussichtlich ihre Investitionen in dem Schwellenland erhöhen (2014: 54%). […] Read more

M&A Beyond Borders: Opportunities And Risks

Figure 1 Attractiveness of regions as M&A destinations

by Marsh, Mercer, Kroll
Emerging market corporations are now more confident in their pursuit of M&A. Chinese, Indian and Russian companies have been prolific in venturing outside their domestic markets to do deals, demonstrating that they are well-managed, efficient and globally competitive. Many of them have recently had initial public offerings on stock exchanges – not so much to raise capital as to demonstrate greater transparency, dispel perceptions of reputational issues and effectively pave the way for future M&A deals. […] Read more

Joyless record – M&A has reached 4.7 trillion dollars, but declines now

RBC Daily

by RBC Daily
В 2007 году объем слияний и поглощений (M&A) в мире поставил новый рекорд, достигнув 4,7 трлн долл., свидетельствуют предварительные данные исследовательской компании Dealogic. В то же время под влиянием проблем на финансовых рынках объем сделок во втором полугодии упал почти на треть. […] Read more

M&As — The Long And The Short Of It

Exhibit 1 Medium-sized deal performance

by Towers Perrin
When mergers and acquisitions grab the headlines, it’s often the big deals that move the markets and capture the attention of investors, analysts and the general public. Certainly there have been plenty of blockbuster transactions in recent months as companies loaded with cash have made M&A activity a central part of their quest to build shareholder value. […] Read more

Corporate Fight Back – Five disciplines to win in M&A

Executive summary: a new era of M&A A new era of M&A has emerged, which is changing the face of corporate Britain. Over the last three years the M&A market has leapt back to life. Three forces – private capital and in particular PE, investor activism and globalisation – have converged to reshape the fundamental dynamics … Read more

The Great Buy-Out: M&A In China

Figure 1 Completed M&A transactions involving China

by Economist Intelligence Unit
One of the first merger-and-acquisition (M&A) transactions in China was completed in 1985, barely seven years after Deng Xiaoping started opening communist China to the world. It was the purchase by Singapore’s Hong Leong Enterprises, for an undisclosed sum, of Rheem (Far East), a maker of steel drums established in pre-communist 1946 China by Rheem International USA. […] Read more

Accelerate Merger Value With A Pre-Merger IT Diagnostic

Accelerate Merger Value With A Pre-Merger IT Diagnostic

by A.T. Kearney
Traditionally, merger success has been built on the integration of the front office — including customers, product lines and sales channels — while back-office functions such as finance, HR and IT took a backseat in the drive for merger synergies. Today, however, increased competition and market expectations have raised the stakes for a successful merger. For merger savvy organizations, “above the line” growth must be complemented with “below the line” cost management and efficiency. […] Read more

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