What You do Is Who You Are: How to Create Your Business Culture by Ben Horowitz – IMAA M&A Book Recommendation

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are complex procedures involving the consolidation of two or more organizations into one. Despite the importance of financial and strategic considerations, the human element frequently determines the success or failure of such endeavors. In his book “What You Do Is Who You Are,” Ben Horowitz examines the significance of culture and … Read more

A Better Way To M&A: Zeroing In On Telecom Value

Exhibit 1 EMEA telecom M&A activity

by McKinsey & Company
With organic growth opportunities narrowing, telecom players need a better way to screen potential M&A targets. A data-rich, heat map–based approach can help. The recent surge in telecom M&A activity raises an important question: which acquisitions will create the most value for your company? Always important, mergers and acquisitions (M&As) have become essential among expansion-minded telecom players in Europe as organic growth opportunities begin to evaporate. […] Read more

Global Transportation And Logistics M&A Deals Insights Q3 2016

Figure 1 Value and volume by numbers-Transportation and Logistics

by PricewaterhouseCoopers
Global transportation and logistics M&A activity remained stable in 2016 with 50+ deals in each quarter, though Q3 2016 was slightly less active. With 50 deals, the quarter saw a decline of 11% in deal volume compared to both Q2 2016 and Q3 2015. It appears general uncertainties related to the US presidential elections, the long-term impact of Brexit, and China’s economic growth paired with reduced forecasts of international trade activity may have impacted recent M&A activity. […] Read more

Transformation Through M&A Integration

Transformation Through M&A Integration

by A.T. Kearney
A major acquisition is not only an opportunity to achieve synergies, but also a valuable “moment in time” to bring about true change. The best leaders get these transformational decisions right. Mergers create both excitement and anxiety for stakeholders, generating not only destabilizing uncertainty, but also malleability, which encourages openness to new ways of working. […] Read more

Global Engineering And Construction M&A Deals Insights Q3 2016

Figure 1 Value and volume by the numbers Q3 2016

by PricewaterhouseCoopers
Global Engineering and Construction (E&C) M&A deal values continue to reflect softness in 2016 versus prior years, but masking healthy deal volume. While both value and volume declined in Q3 2016 compared to comparable 2015, on a relative year-to-date basis 206 deals through Q3 2016, outpaces 2015 and 2104 (187 and 103, respectively) demonstrating heightened activity for smaller transactions. […] Read more

Effects Of Mergers On Corporate Performance: An Empirical Evaluation Using Ols And The Empirical Bayesian Methods

Figure 1 Equations 1-4

by Borsa Istanbul
In this paper, we empirically examine the impact of mergers on corporate financial performance in Pakistan using data on the deals occurred during the period 1995-2012. Ordinary least squares (OLS) and empirical Bayesian estimation methods are applied to carry out empirical analysis. The OLS regression results suggest that the merger deals do not have any significant impact on the profitability, liquidity, and leverage position of the firms. […] Read more

Mitigating Human Capital Risks And Unlocking Value From Spin-Offs

Mitigating Human Capital Risks And Unlocking Value From Spin-Offs

by Willis Towers Watson
Spin-offs — corporate transactions in which business units separate from their parent company to become independent entities — are increasingly popular as companies reexamine their business strategies and search for additional ways to boost shareholder returns. Two Willis Towers Watson experts look at the unique human capital challenges associated with spin-offs and the steps organizations can take to minimize the risks and maximize the chances of success for these types of transactions. […] Read more

Les fusions-acquisitions tiendront leurs promesses

by Le Courrier du Vietnam
Le Vietnam est considéré comme un pays de plus en plus attractif pour les opérations de fusions-acquisitions (M&A). Selon les prévisions, la valeur des transactions pourrait atteindre 6 milliards de dollars. Points de vue des gestionnaires et spécialistes du domaine. La croissance des M&A est contraire à la tendance mondiale. – Christopher Kummer. […] Read more

Joint Venture And Alternative Structure Transactions: Getting Them Right From The Start

Joint Venture And Alternative Structure Transactions: Getting Them Right From The Start

by Deloitte
Joint ventures (JVs) and other alternative structures (such as alliances and consortiums) may be superior to mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and greenfield operations in many market entry situations. While full company or carve-out acquisition and divestitures are a critical tool in the strategic toolset of nearly every business, JVs typically offer the following advantages […] Read more

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