Direct And Indirect International Experience Of Shareholders, Ownership Structure And Cross-Border M&A

Figure 1 Direct experience and indirect experience

by Elsevier Ltd.
Prior research suggests that international experience only are directly learnt by firms’ international operations. In this study, we argue that majority shareholders are part and parcel of the network of internal and external international experience. Based on the sample of 307 cross-border M&A of 741 majority shareholders in 188 Chinese listing enterprises for the 2005–2014 time period, we measure direct international experience and indirect international experience using centrality analysis in two-model social network. […] Read more

Approach To The Issues Of Leadership In The Processes Of Companies’ Acquisitions

Table 2 Approach to the issues of leadership in the process of acquisition in the examined pharmaceutical companies

by Elsevier Ltd.
This paper presents the results of the research concerning five transactions in the pharmaceutical sector. The research aim was to diagnose an approach to the issues of leadership, which in the literature is often treated as a key success factor in the processes of acquisitions. The research showed that in the analyzed pharmaceutical companies which participated in the research little attention was paid to the issues of leadership. […] Read more

Global Transactions Forecast: The Impact Of Macro Trends On Future M&A And IPO Activity

Figure 1 Global MA-IPO transactions

by Baker & McKenzie
The fundamental drivers of global transactions are pointing to a continued strong upturn in M&A and IPOs over the next three years. Global economic growth is expected to accelerate, and low interest rates and easy credit conditions in key countries are likely to maintain upward momentum in equity markets. […] Read more

M&A China/Deutschland: Starker Renminbi Heizt Outbound-M&A An

M&A China/Deutschland: Starker Renminbi Heizt Outbound-M&A An

by Unternehmeredition
2014 erreichten die chinesischen Investitionen in Europa mit insgesamt 18 Mrd. USD einen neuen Rekord. Im Vergleich zum relativ schwachen Jahr 2013 war dies eine Verdoppelung des Volumens. Zu diesem Resultat kommt die Studie „Reaching New Heights“ der Wirtschaftskanzlei Baker & McKenzie und der Investment Bank CICC, die auf Daten des Analysehauses Rhodium basiert. Dabei wurden 153 M&A-Transaktionen und Greenfield-Investments chinesischer Investoren im Jahr 2014 erfasst und ausgewertet. […] Read more

Cross-Border Deal Making In The High-Tech Industry: Lessons Learned From An M&A Transaction

Cross-Border Deal Making In The High-Tech Industry

by Willis Towers Watson
With merger and acquisition (M&A) activity heating up worldwide, two Towers Watson M&A experts met with Karen Gaydon, a successful U.S.-based deal maker whose team at Synaptics recently closed the acquisition of a joint venture in Japan. This article, which summarizes their discussion, includes insights from all three on M&A trends in the high-tech industry, as well as valuable information about M&A success factors. […] Read more

M&A 2014: Return Of The Big Deal

by McKinsey & Company
Investors are optimistic about the value of big deals behind a growing wave of M&A. What key trends do they need to understand? After years of stagnant activity, mergers and acquisitions surged in 2014, with the announcement of more than 7,500 deals with a combined value exceeding $3.5 trillion. […] Read more

Emerging Markets Review: Rights Issues And Creeping Acquisitions In India

Emerging Markets Review: Rights Issues And Creeping Acquisitions In India

by Elsevier Ltd.
We analyze the extent to which promoters of firms listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange are using rights issues to circumvent regulatory provisions related to creeping acquisitions. We find that promoters use rights issues that do not have specific objectives for purposes of realizing an increase in their shareholdings. We find that a rights issue often follows a year in which the promoter has realized a loss of shareholdings. […] Read more

‘Protectionism’ In M&A: A Mixed Picture

Figure 2 Some practical considerations

by Allen & Overy
When a national ‘champion’ is at stake, lively political and media debate often follows, sometimes even where the sector involved is not particularly ‘sensitive’. This is unsurprising in markets facing slow economic growth and, more recently, there has been an interesting interplay between expanding sanctions regimes and policy in this area. […] Read more

Creating More Value For China’s M&A

Figure 1 Examples of Chinese acquisitions in mature Western countries

by A.T. Kearney
Since China first opened to the world with the 1978 economic reforms, the country’s GDP has made unprecedented progress. It is a remarkable growth story. Although there is a big gap to close to catch up with the United States, China ranked second in the world in real GDP by 2013. By 2014, 100 Chinese companies were in the Fortune 500, up from 11 in 2000 and with petrochemical firm Sinopec holding the number-three spot. […] Read more

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