Growth Through M&A: Promise And Reality

Figure 1 Breakdown of M&A deals

by Deloitte
It isn’t unusual for a company pursuing a merger or acquisition to express high hopes that the deal will be a growth engine. The intention, quite reasonably, is that the resulting combination of products, people and pipelines will take the business to new heights. Then reality sets in. The combined business has to deal with a presence in multiple markets, a larger and more diverse customer base, a more complex product and services portfolio, and a high level of people and operational complexity. […] Read more

Putting The Right People In Place: Integrating Finance After A Merger

by Accenture
The merging of two companies can introduce tremendous anxiety among employees in the legacy enterprises’ Finance organizations. As the M&A deal moves forward, these employees may wonder, “How will our new company’s Finance function operate? Who will be in charge? Will I still have a job? If so, how and when will my responsibilities change?” […] Read more

Unlock The True Value Of Your Merger: Tap The Power Of Lean

Exhibit 1 Types of Mergers

by Strategy&
As the financial-services industry emerges from the greatest economic crisis in 70 years, and comes to grips with a raft of new regulations, banks are consolidating, and they will continue to do so. In the first quarter of 2010, M&A activity spiked 50 percent. Integrating two financial institutions has never been easy, and the current environment raises a host of new challenges that even experienced M&A hands must find ways to address. […] Read more

Strategic Alliances: Finding The Hidden Leverage For Success

A group of colleagues having a business meeting in an office meeting room

by Arthur D. Little
Mergers… joint ventures… strategic alliances… businesses are increasingly relying on these activities for strategic advantage. All too frequently, however, the potential benefits fail to materialize. While much attention is focused on the financial and contractual aspects of an alliance, we believe that the key to organizational partnerships lies in a different arena. […] Read more

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