Global Capital Confidence Barometer – Buying And Bonding: Alliances Join M&A As Engines Of Growth

Figure 1 Key MA findings

by Ernst & Young
Our latest Global Capital Confidence Barometer continues to find a strong acquisition appetite together with a growing inclination to forge new alliances. Prolonged economic challenges are driving investment decisions, leading companies to ally and cooperate to generate growth as well as compete and acquire to gain market share. […] Read more

People Risks In M&A Transactions

Figure 1 Surveyed firms

by Mercer
Offering robust data and analysis as well as unique insights and guidance, Mercer’s first annual research report on people risks in M&A transactions provides an in-depth view of the human capital issues buyers and sellers are facing in the marketplace. In addition, this report identifies practical solutions and strategies organizations are deploying to effectively hedge these risks and drive deal value. […] Read more

How M&A Practitioners Enable Their Success

Exhibit 1 Evaluate strategic options

by McKinsey & Company
Companies that are best at transactions approach M&A differently — but there’s room for improvement across the board. In the latest McKinsey Global Survey on M&A practices and capabilities, most respondents report that their companies regularly examine the portfolio for new opportunities — and many do so at least once a year. But if the blistering M&A pace of the past several years continues, as most respondents expect, then these responses also suggest that an annual review of portfolios may not be enough. […] Read more

M&A Trends In Life Sciences And Health Care: Growth At The Global Intersection Of Change

Figure 1 Drivers of M&A activity

by Deloitte
Anyone witnessing the feverish deal-making that has swept through the global life sciences and health care industry recently might well conclude that mergers-and-acquisitions (M&A) activity has become the dominant force shaping the industry. According to Thomson Reuters, the global year-to-date value of deals in the life sciences sector alone was $600bn for July 2014, compared with $200bn for the same period last year. […] Read more

Bridging The Gap: M&A Are CFOs And Boards Aligned?

Figure 2 M&A objectives

by Deloitte
In March and April 2013, Corporate Board Member magazine in association with Deloitte conducted a survey of corporate directors and chief financial officers (CFOs) from companies with revenue of $500 million and above. The goal was to identify specific areas of convergence and divergence in respondents’ views regarding risk oversight and value creation in merger and acquisition (M&A) activities. […] Read more

Globalizing Asia Pacific: Maximizing The Value Of Human Capital In Outbound M&A

Figure 1 When in the acquisition cycle are key employees to retain identified?

by Willis Towers Watson
In recent years, with the global financial crisis arriving on the heels of a near collapse of the financial establishment in the West, increased investment and development diverted to emerging markets has produced a wealthy new economic class with plenty of power to spend. Against this backdrop, Asian companies are beginning to play a more significant role in the world economy. […] Read more

IT As A Driver Of M&A Success

It As A Driver Of M&A Success

by Ernst & Young
Businesses today are under more pressure than ever to deliver value to stakeholders, particularly when undertaking bold initiatives such as mergers, acquisitions or asset disposals. This is true not only for corporate acquirers but also for private equity (PE) firms, whose strategy is leaning toward add‐on acquisitions as a means of growing their portfolio companies. […] Read more

A Brave New World: The Climate For Chinese M&A Abroad

A Brave New World: The Climate For Chinese M&A Abroad

by Economist Intelligence Unit
Among the many signs of China’s increasing economic power has been a surge in the number of Chinese companies seeking to buy assets overseas. In 2009, while developed economies remained mired in the aftermath of the global financial crisis, Chinese companies made a record number of crossborder acquisitions — some 298 in total. Much of China’s investment has been welcomed by cash-strapped Western companies that would be hard-pressed to survive without it. […] Read more

How Can Leadership Make A Difference?

by PricewaterhouseCoopers
Signing an M&A deal is the first step on a long journey. Deals are done to generate faster revenue growth. Maximizing the value that can be captured from mergers and acquisitions is thus becoming more important than ever. However, as our survey shows, this and other ambitious targets are too often not achieved. […] Read more

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