The Great Buy-Out: M&A In China

Figure 1 Completed M&A transactions involving China

by Economist Intelligence Unit
One of the first merger-and-acquisition (M&A) transactions in China was completed in 1985, barely seven years after Deng Xiaoping started opening communist China to the world. It was the purchase by Singapore’s Hong Leong Enterprises, for an undisclosed sum, of Rheem (Far East), a maker of steel drums established in pre-communist 1946 China by Rheem International USA. […] Read more

HR Rises To The Challenge: Unlocking The Value Of M&A

EXHIBIT 1-2 Expected Change in M&A Activity-Key Drivers

by Towers Perrin
With mergers and acquisitions reemerging as a key business strategy for many organizations, the billion-dollar question is whether the next wave of deals will prove more successful than many of those struck during the late 1990s. Towers Perrin research suggests the answer will be yes for many organizations, thanks in part to some hard lessons learned about the critical people issues involved in integrating businesses successfully. […] Read more

The Role Of Human Capital In M&A

Figure 1 Number of M&A-related activities

by Towers Perrin
European merger and acquisition (M&A) transactions are surprisingly successful: over 70% of respondents report their M&A deals achieved targeted objectives. New desk research into 50 large mergers and acquisitions in Europe backs-up the respondents’ claims. In 45% of the deals the share price of the merged company outperformed the rest of its sector in the following year. […] Read more

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