Applications Rationalization During M&A: Standardize, Streamline, Simplify

Figure 1 Applications rationalization as part of the IT cost savings universe

by Deloitte
Most companies tend to accumulate a large information technology (IT) application portfolio over time, especially if they grow through M&A and do not fully integrate operations and assets after each transaction. When viewed holistically, many of these applications may not align with the company’s overall M&A strategy; they were created as point-in-time solutions and don’t necessarily support post-deal, enterprise-level, business and organizational objectives. […] Read more

Creating Value In Telecoms Consolidation

Figure 1 Synergies justify over half of Purchase Prices paid in three EU Mobile Mergers

by Arthur D. Little
Europe is experiencing an unparalleled wave of telecom mergers, but value creation is far from certain. Executives charged with telecom integration are facing pressure to meet expectations on synergies, which increasingly are expected to amount to over half of the purchase price. This Arthur D. Little viewpoint provides lessons learned, benchmarks and recommendations to help telecom executives successfully create value through the post-merger integration process. […] Read more

Accelerate Merger Value With A Pre-Merger IT Diagnostic

Accelerate Merger Value With A Pre-Merger IT Diagnostic

by A.T. Kearney
Traditionally, merger success has been built on the integration of the front office — including customers, product lines and sales channels — while back-office functions such as finance, HR and IT took a backseat in the drive for merger synergies. Today, however, increased competition and market expectations have raised the stakes for a successful merger. For merger savvy organizations, “above the line” growth must be complemented with “below the line” cost management and efficiency. […] Read more

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