‘Protectionism’ In M&A: A Mixed Picture

Figure 2 Some practical considerations

by Allen & Overy
When a national ‘champion’ is at stake, lively political and media debate often follows, sometimes even where the sector involved is not particularly ‘sensitive’. This is unsurprising in markets facing slow economic growth and, more recently, there has been an interesting interplay between expanding sanctions regimes and policy in this area. […] Read more

Dealing With Uncertainty: Strategies For Overcoming Compliance Risk And Regulatory Challenges In Cross-Border M&A

Figure 1 Pharmerging Markets

by Baker & McKenzie
When you look at the numbers, there’s no question why global pharmaceutical companies have set their sights on emerging markets for future growth. From 2012 to 2017, global pharmaceutical sales are expected to rise 13% in the “pharmerging markets,” compared to 2% for the top mature markets, according to the IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics. […] Read more

Evaluating M&A Through A Changing Utility Lens: A Fresh Look At M&A’s Role In Power And Utilities

Figure 1 Breakdown of M&A targets (Deal count, 2009-2014)

by Deloitte
The U.S. power and utilities industry stands at the center of converging forces that are poised to reshape traditional business models. In the electric power sector, the often repeated chorus includes moderating demand, aging infrastructure, rising environmental compliance costs, and shifting customer expectations. Adding to the din are mounting competition from distributed generation providers and other new market entrants, and declining regulated rates of return on equity. […] Read more

Wholesale Distribution M&A: Moving From Transactional To Transformational

Wholesale Distribution M&A: Moving From Transactional To Transformational

by Deloitte
The U.S. Wholesale Distribution (WD) industry appears to be stuck in neutral. Top players in many lines of trade suffer from low margins and stagnant or slipping market share — a result of limited domestic expansion opportunities, regulatory constraints, structural impediments, and other obstacles. […] Read more

Insurance 2020: A Quiet Revolution – The Future Of Insurance M&A

Image 1 Insurance M&A

by PricewaterhouseCoopers
The global insurance industry’s outlook is improving. The mature economies of Europe and North America are moving towards recovery, while the emerging markets of Asia and Latin America continue to grow. A pickup in global premiums is forecast, but the industry should not expect a return to the old ways. Insurers are operating in a world where the goal of long-term growth seems to be getting further away. Instead, insurers face a range of obstacles including persistently low investment yields, tightening regulation and overcapacity in many markets. […] Read more

The Role Of Human Capital In M&A

Figure 1 Number of M&A-related activities

by Towers Perrin
European merger and acquisition (M&A) transactions are surprisingly successful: over 70% of respondents report their M&A deals achieved targeted objectives. New desk research into 50 large mergers and acquisitions in Europe backs-up the respondents’ claims. In 45% of the deals the share price of the merged company outperformed the rest of its sector in the following year. […] Read more

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