How to oppose money laundering?

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    Hey, does anyone know how to prevent money laundering? I’ve heard about it a lot lately, and I want to make sure I’m doing everything I can to avoid it.


    KYC is crucial. Another aspect is monitoring transactions. Keep an eye out for any unusual or suspicious activity. Automated systems can help with this, flagging transactions that deviate from the norm. I’d also suggest staying informed about the latest regulations. Compliance is key in preventing money laundering. Familiarize yourself with the laws and regulations in your industry and location. You can also check AML foundations course. There are a lot of valuable advices that you can take there for sure


    That’s a great question! Money laundering is a serious issue, and it’s important to take steps to prevent it. One key way is to implement robust Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures. This means verifying the identity of your clients and understanding the nature of their financial activities.

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