Mergers & Acquisitions – Guide / Compendium for the Acquisition and Sales of Companies

Authors: Prof. Dr. Christopher Kummer / Dr. Franz Ferdinand Eiffe / Dr. Wolfgang Mölzer) Publisher: LexisNexis, ISBN: 3700748531 more at Amazon (Germany) Description: Dieser praxiserprobte Leitfaden fasst genau und verständlich die wichtigsten Strategien, Analyseinstrumente und Maßnahmen bei Unternehmenskäufen und -verkäufen zusammen: Der Leitfaden gibt Eigentümern, Unternehmern, Topmanagern, Beratern, Wirtschaftsprüfern und Anwälten einen schnellen Einstieg in … Read more

Investment Valuation

Available in our e-library on M&A Author: Aswath Damodaran Publisher: John Wiley Year: 2012 (3rd edition) ISBN: 978-1118011522 Content Valuation is at the heart of any investment decision, whether that decision is buy, sell or hold. But the pricing of many assets has become a more complex task in modern markets, especially after the recent financial crisis. In … Read more

Mergers and Acquisitions: Strategy, Valuation and Integration

Description: During the last couple of decades or so, mergers and acquisitions (M&As) have assumed great importance. Giant corporations and big multinational enterprises (MNEs) are constantly on the lookout for acquiring big or small companies to increase their wealth and become even bigger global giants. It is in this context that a comprehensive book on … Read more

Mergers and Acquisition: Issues and Perspectives from the Asia-Pacific

Edited by Ganesh Chand / Publisher: Asian Productivity Organization (APO) (2010)
Publisher: Asian Productivity Organization (APO)

In the same spirit as Arthur Lewis’ famous quote that “there is nothing more practical than a good theory,” this paper provides a timeless, conceptual view on how mergers and acquisitions can create value for corporations and their stakeholders.

India in the emerging global order

Edited by Amar KJR Nayak/M G JomonPublisher: Tata McGraw-HillChapter 1 “Country-Specific Factors that Indian Companies are Attracted by to Pursue Cross-border Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A)” was written by Prof. Dr. Christopher KummerISBN-10: 0070248788ISBN-13: 978-0070248786 more at the Amazon India Description The Book Is A Collection Of Articles By Eminent Scholars On India`S Relations With Her Neighbours, … Read more

International Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) Acitivity: Historical Development, Diffusion and Strategic Intentions

(Original: “Internationale Fusions- und Akquisitionsaktivität: Historische Entwicklung, Verbreitung und strategische Intention”)Written by Christopher Kummer Publisher: Deutscher Universitäts-VerlagISBN: 3835001787 more at Amazon (Germany)more at Deutsche Universitäts-Verlag Description: Fusionen und Akquisitionen (M&A) sind bei sinnvollem Einsatz ein hervorragendes Mittel zur Umsetzung von Unternehmensstrategien. Zur internationalen M&A-Aktivität bestehen jedoch noch immer große Wissenslücken. Christopher Kummer untersucht Fusionen und … Read more

Управление комплексными слияниями

Edited by: П. Моросини / У. Стеджер Publisher: Баланс Бизнес Букс ISBN: 966-8644-34-4 more at Описание От издателя Книга “Управление комплексными слияниями” отличается прагматичным и целостным подходом к процессу в целом. Это практическое пособие для руководителей, которое будет полезно им в ходе оценки, ведения переговоров, подготовки и реализации успешных слияний и поглощений. Авторы освещают стратегические … Read more

Managing Complex Mergers – Real World Lessons in Implementing Successful Cross-Cultural M&As

Authors: Piero Morosini & Ulrich StegerISBN-10: 0273663143ISBN-13: 978-0273663140 Intoduction M&A activity in the new competitive milieu by Ulrich Steger, IMD Faculty Short introduction explaining why complex cross-border and cross-cultural M&As have been so cyclical in the global arena. It tries to identify the drivers, especially in the last boom of global M&As, and analyses some … Read more

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