Communication Problems from Management

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    I have seen some scenarios that information and communication that was provided to management to be disseminated down to their employees by said managers, never makes it to that level. Outside of holding meetings and forcing every employee to attend, are there other ways to hold the managers accountable to help share information?


    I guess it depends on the type of the integration, but I had similar issues before, and it got resolved after I started sending all integration related communication myself. That way, I know for sure what’s been communicated, when, and to whom.


    I would categorize the communications based on the audience. If the intend is to get to all employees, why broker it through Management. Create an org level comm plans.


    CEO townhall might be one of the ways to communicate to all employee level. Then followed by specific job function that will be involved with more details.

    Jeff Sewell

    This is an age old business communication question. Unfortunately, there isn’t one correct answer. This will vary greatly depending on the management quality and culture of the company. in a well functioning company communication should flow easily through meeting with senior leaders. If this doesn’t happen the the acquiring company will need to take more drastic measures as communication is the primary key for a well completed integration.


    In my experience when this happened there was one of two reasons: (1) middle management did not have time to deal with communicating properly to their team e.g. overworked/stretched too thin or (2) topics were controversial or not well accepted by the team and the middle managers were avoiding it to keep their team happy and keep their good image. Bottom line, you need to ensure the managers are empowered, have all the needed information and time in order to carry forward the intended message properly. If you are not able to do this, I would agree with the other posts of communicating directly to all stakeholders to avoid the information either being missed or distorted along the way.


    To hold managers accountable for sharing information effectively, consider these steps:

    Set clear communication expectations.
    Conduct regular check-ins to review their communication efforts.
    Include communication in performance evaluations.
    Establish anonymous feedback channels for employees.
    Implement peer reviews to gather input on managers’ communication skills.
    Provide training and development programs for managers.
    Utilize technology tools for transparent communication.
    Creating a culture of open communication and transparency is crucial. Encourage feedback and continuously improve communication processes.

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