Does your firm have an M&A Playbook?

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  • #82499

    Two questions:
    – For those who work for firms which have an M&A playbook, what is the typical acquisition count (annually)?
    – What does resource turnover (those with M&A experience) look like?

    Erin Gray

    My firm does have an M&A playbook with a forecast to complete 1-3 acquisitions per calendar year; however, we’ve been on a trend of only closing one per year due to various circumstances. From the three we’ve completed, all turnover has been voluntary as we’re acquiring smaller firms mostly for their sales talent and territories.


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    Interesting; I’ve had 2 clients which developed playbooks and in both cases, it seemed as though the playbook was developed as defense against turnover as well as capture best practices for future reference. Target was 1-3 acquisitions/yr. In the end though, the IMO decided to stop trying to capture such low level details of acquisitions and keep it high level. (Both publicly traded firms- med devices and pharma).

    Max Eager

    I’ve works with clients in the insurance industry who are highly acquisitive, and have about 10 new acquisitions per month–and they keep up this rate.

    brent harvey

    My company does several deals a year. The IMO has a playbook that has been developed over time, with substantial gains made with help from outside consultants that were brought in on a couple of deals. While each deal can have its unique aspects, having a playbook helps provide an overall framework and aspects to consider.


    The company I work is willing to leverage external growth options in order to gain marker shares on key geographies. Being a serial acquirer requires mature capabilities in M&A discipline, our core M&A team has assembled a playbook that we systematically deploy for every deal. This has been shared largely within the organization and makes it easy to have external or internal contributors joining the deal at any stage during the process since they know well in advance what would be expected from them and in which fashion. We try to update this playbook from a year to another, enriching it with learnings from precedent year deals whatever their status (closed or abandoned).


    We use a M&A playbook too, even when our M&A frequency various from zero up to 3 M&As per year in the last 5 years.

    Amy S

    Our company has a playbook designed for each function, but we are looking to create a playbook used solely for partial integrations.

    Sophia Kraft

    No, we don’t have that.

    Anita Davis

    We have a M&A playbook at the IMO and functional level.

    Lisa Hall

    Our company leverages an enterprise playbook that evolves after each integration.

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