Usually, M&A transactions come in a limited timeline and limited data as well. Usually, one of the findings in each due diligence area is a limitation in data and uncertainty in different aspects.
My question is how to protect the buyer or minimize the impact of the uncertainty?
By understanding the business that you are going in and (the complete value chain) as well as understanding how each potential scenario of “uncertainty” could impact the business.
Uncertainty is major reason of failure in M&A deals. We use lots of assumptions in valuation and synergy modelling. We should not ignore human factors in post merger integration which don’t have unique mathematical models. We can’t eliminate uncertainty, we only can reduce uncertatities and shift consequences from fatal errors to correctable errors. We should have solutions for all probable cases based on probability of occurrences
DD may also provide insights on how to mitigate uncertainties. During the DD you will discover various issues and risks – knowing them is the first step in mitigation.
I agree – normally, companies can’t really do the due diligence by themselves. One of the “consultants” they can hire are the investment banks that can coordinate the due diligence with the lawyers, accountants etc.