What To Do If Leaders of the Acquiring Company Delegate the PMI Work

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  • #83691

    What do you do with leaders of the acquiring company who once the closing has happened they don’t really want to be involved in any of the PMI activities and “delegate” everything to the Integration Office and feel their job is done because the transaction closed successfully?


    I would establish clarity as to the drivers for the decision and identify the skills and capabilities of that individual, and then regularly update the leader. I would also identify whether the individual delegated to had experience in this area and perhaps insight that they could bring.

    Frederik DW

    Some things I would consider:
    – Openly adress the issue and why this might jeoperdize the overall success (and even destroy their legacy)
    – Link their involvement to a retention scheme or bonus system with clear KPI’s
    – Create awareness of their involvement.
    – Work with a kind of earn-out clause.

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