The impact of Covid 19 in my opinion is still not fully understood, notwithstanding several commentators (official and unofficial) including the World Bank have been making pronouncements regarding the effect(s) on many economies, as it relates to reduction in their GDPs. What is certain is that the world has changed and it will not be business as usual post the Pandemic. Additionally, the knock-on effect on global businesses and global trade will most certainly result in several businesses being quarantined or put into intensive care. Governments around the world have been taking proactive policy measures in support of businesses and to prop up the vulnerable. However, depending on how long the pandemic lasts these stimulus/support packages will not be enough to maintain/sustain the businesses, let alone kick start meaningful economic activity to cause a surge in the recovery of many of the aforementioned businesses. Take the airline & cruise ship industries for example. Will these airlines and cruise companies make the turn to recovery given the heavy losses they would have sustained? Will their governments prioritize them over other industry, considering the support packages needed are astronomical in must cases? Or will they simply have to go in search of their own financing sources or white knights? If they or their Group of Companies have some capacity, why not be vultures acquire some of the spoils?