2016 Asian Trailblazers Study: Masters Of Multitasking And Transformation

Figure 1. Asian Trailblazers are fine-tuning their strategy along several areas

by Willis Towers Watson
In 2012, an event occurred that went largely unnoticed. For the first time, the percentage of Asia Pacific-headquartered companies in the Fortune Global 500 outnumbered those headquartered in Europe and North America. That year, 36% of companies in the Fortune Global 500 were headquartered in Asia Pacific. Of these 181 organisations, 69 were headquartered in Mainland China and 68 in Japan. […] Read more

Global Capital Confidence Barometer – Buying And Bonding: Alliances Join M&A As Engines Of Growth

Figure 1 Key MA findings

by Ernst & Young
Our latest Global Capital Confidence Barometer continues to find a strong acquisition appetite together with a growing inclination to forge new alliances. Prolonged economic challenges are driving investment decisions, leading companies to ally and cooperate to generate growth as well as compete and acquire to gain market share. […] Read more

Cross-Border Deals Tracker: Tracking Deal Flows Between Developed And Developing/Emerging Economies

Figure 1 Number of D2E deals

The latest deals data shows that the volume of developed market investments into emerging markets (D2E) hit a 10-year low over the second half of 2015, but emerging market deals with one another showed strong growth over the same period. Between July and December 2015, the number of D2E deals fell by 3 percent to 541, the lowest number in 10 years. The yearly total is also the lowest in 10 years, at 1101 D2E deals, 9 percent down on 2014. […] Read more

Insurance M&A Trends: A Year In Review And Predictions For 2016

Figure 1 M&A insurance trends 2016

At the start of 2015, we made some predictions around how mergers and acquisitions (M&A) would impact the insurance sector. We did this in order to help clients plan their strategy in a rapidly evolving market. We anticipated a highly active year, centered on a number of key themes including consolidation, particularly within the property and casualty (P&C) segment and where industry fundamentals are affected by regulation, such as the US health care market. […] Read more

2016 Global Chemical Industry Mergers And Acquisitions Outlook: A Quest For Focus

2016 Global Chemical Industry Mergers And Acquisitions Outlook: A Quest For Focus

by Deloitte
In the Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (Deloitte Global) 2015 Global chemical industry mergers and acquisitions outlook, record levels of chemical mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity in 2014 were observed, with a prediction that strong M&A momentum would continue in the industry into 2015. While the number of global chemical deals was relatively flat in 2015, the strong M&A momentum has continued with the number of global chemical deals in 2015 exceeding the previous six-year average by over 6 percent. […] Read more

Emerging Markets Review: Rights Issues And Creeping Acquisitions In India

Emerging Markets Review: Rights Issues And Creeping Acquisitions In India

by Elsevier Ltd.
We analyze the extent to which promoters of firms listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange are using rights issues to circumvent regulatory provisions related to creeping acquisitions. We find that promoters use rights issues that do not have specific objectives for purposes of realizing an increase in their shareholdings. We find that a rights issue often follows a year in which the promoter has realized a loss of shareholdings. […] Read more

Foreign Direct Investment And Strategic Partnerships: Cross Border Acquisitions Between India And Africa

Foreign Direct Investment And Strategic Partnerships: Cross Border Acquisitions Between India And Africa

by Elsevier Ltd.
The African economy provides an investment opportunity for International players both in terms of procuring natural resources and opening up a potential one billion consumer market. Along with the vast investment potential, on the downside firms face challenges that come from investing into nations with corporate governance, infrastructure and regulatory environments that are not as conducive for investments as found in developed nations. […] Read more

Mergers And Acquisitions: A Strategic Tool For Restructuring In The Indian Telecom Sector

Table 1-2 HCROI t Test

by Elsevier Ltd.
Reforms implemented by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) and Department of Telecommunications (DoT) post liberalization have drastically altered the business environment in the Indian telecom sector. This sector has emerged as a significant performer in the Indian services domain. The telecom companies have opted for Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) as a strategic tool to enhance their performances. […] Read more

M&A Beyond Borders: Opportunities And Risks

Figure 1 Attractiveness of regions as M&A destinations

by Marsh, Mercer, Kroll
Emerging market corporations are now more confident in their pursuit of M&A. Chinese, Indian and Russian companies have been prolific in venturing outside their domestic markets to do deals, demonstrating that they are well-managed, efficient and globally competitive. Many of them have recently had initial public offerings on stock exchanges – not so much to raise capital as to demonstrate greater transparency, dispel perceptions of reputational issues and effectively pave the way for future M&A deals. […] Read more

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