Mergers And Acquisitions: A Strategic Tool For Restructuring In The Indian Telecom Sector

Table 1-2 HCROI t Test

by Elsevier Ltd.
Reforms implemented by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) and Department of Telecommunications (DoT) post liberalization have drastically altered the business environment in the Indian telecom sector. This sector has emerged as a significant performer in the Indian services domain. The telecom companies have opted for Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) as a strategic tool to enhance their performances. […] Read more

Effective Management Of Change During Merger And Acquisition

Table 1 Failed Mergers

by Elsevier Ltd.
The on-going dance of merger and acquisition happening every week is hard to miss. But it has been found that most mergers and acquisition fail because of poor handling of change management. Change is the only thing that will never change so let’s learn to adopt by change management. This publication will analyse all the factors that lead to change. […] Read more

Taxation Of Cross-Border Mergers And Acquisitions: France 2014

Taxation Of Cross-Border Mergers And Acquisitions: France 2014

The last major reforms in the area of cross-border transactions are as follows: Increase of the corporate income tax surcharge to 10.7 percent (from 5 percent) for corporate taxpayers with annual sales turnover above 250 million euros (EUR), for financial years ending on or after 31 December 2013. This brings the maximum corporate income tax rate to 38 percent (from 36.1 percent). Reform of the tax loss rules. […] Read more

M&A is again en vogue, with the exception of Austria

Das Geld sitzt wieder locker bei den großen Konzernen; das führt zu einer Welle milliardenschwerer Fusionen und Übernahmen. Nur in Österreich kommen die Deals nicht in Schwung. WIEN. Sie sind wieder da, die großen Deals: General Electric und Siemens kämpfen um die französische Alstom, Pfizer jagt Astra-Zeneca, und Telefonica ringt mit den Behörden um die … Read more

Wholesale Distribution M&A: Moving From Transactional To Transformational

Wholesale Distribution M&A: Moving From Transactional To Transformational

by Deloitte
The U.S. Wholesale Distribution (WD) industry appears to be stuck in neutral. Top players in many lines of trade suffer from low margins and stagnant or slipping market share — a result of limited domestic expansion opportunities, regulatory constraints, structural impediments, and other obstacles. […] Read more

Insurance 2020: A Quiet Revolution – The Future Of Insurance M&A

Image 1 Insurance M&A

by PricewaterhouseCoopers
The global insurance industry’s outlook is improving. The mature economies of Europe and North America are moving towards recovery, while the emerging markets of Asia and Latin America continue to grow. A pickup in global premiums is forecast, but the industry should not expect a return to the old ways. Insurers are operating in a world where the goal of long-term growth seems to be getting further away. Instead, insurers face a range of obstacles including persistently low investment yields, tightening regulation and overcapacity in many markets. […] Read more

Bridging The Gap: M&A Are CFOs And Boards Aligned?

Figure 2 M&A objectives

by Deloitte
In March and April 2013, Corporate Board Member magazine in association with Deloitte conducted a survey of corporate directors and chief financial officers (CFOs) from companies with revenue of $500 million and above. The goal was to identify specific areas of convergence and divergence in respondents’ views regarding risk oversight and value creation in merger and acquisition (M&A) activities. […] Read more

M&A As Competitive Advantage

M&A As Competitive Advantage

by McKinsey & Company
Treating M&A as a strategic capability can give companies an edge that their peers will struggle to replicate. Most companies approach deal making as an art rather than as a corporate capability deployed to support a strategy, and they see individual deals as discrete projects rather than integral parts of that strategy. Few have found a way to build and continuously improve, across businesses, an M&A capability that consistently creates value — and does so better than competitors. […] Read more

Growth Through M&A: Promise And Reality

Figure 1 Breakdown of M&A deals

by Deloitte
It isn’t unusual for a company pursuing a merger or acquisition to express high hopes that the deal will be a growth engine. The intention, quite reasonably, is that the resulting combination of products, people and pipelines will take the business to new heights. Then reality sets in. The combined business has to deal with a presence in multiple markets, a larger and more diverse customer base, a more complex product and services portfolio, and a high level of people and operational complexity. […] Read more

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